Serious crashes across North Wales spark safety plea from police

Police are urging drivers to take care on the roads after last weekend saw a number of people critically injured in crashes. North Wales Police[1] said they dealt with six serious crashes last weekend, four of which involved motorcyclists.
Of those four, three have injuries which are "potentially life-changing and life-threatening". Chief Inspector Caroline Mullen-Hurst, of North Wales Police’s Operational Support Service, said: “Following yet another busy weekend we will be focussing our enforcement in an attempt to reduce any further casualties and collisions by adopting a zero-tolerance approach.
"We are committed to keeping people safe on the roads of North Wales - we want them to enjoy the roads but most of all we want them to ride and drive safely and responsibly. Whilst the vast majority of motorists ride or drive appropriately, we will continue to focus on, with a view to prosecution, all those that ride or drive dangerously, at excess speed, overtake on solid white lines or commit any other road traffic offences.
“Whilst we cannot comment specifically on the collisions themselves; we would like to reassure the public that a thorough investigation will be carried out into every single collision and our enquiries are now underway. We, as the police, want everyone to enjoy the roads of North Wales as they become busier and are shared between all different types of road users."
North Wales Police’s annual Operation Darwen campaign – which is aimed at reducing the risk of motorcycle-related deaths and serious injuries on the roads - is now underway. Over the coming months, officers from the Roads Policing Unit, the Armed Alliance Unit, the Special Constabulary Road Safety Unit and Go Safe will be engaging with motorcyclists at popular meeting spots for enthusiasts as well as on certain routes as part of the operation.
Chief Inspector Mullen-Hurst added: “We look at all motorists as part of the Op Darwen campaign, however during the spring and summer months, increased focus is given to motorcycle safety as larger numbers of motorcyclists take their bikes out to take advantage of the good weather and fantastic scenery we have here in North Wales. As such, motorists are being urged to be extra vigilant for motorcycles during their journeys and ensure they give sufficient room when following bikers."
- ^ North Wales Police (
- ^ LIVE: A55 crash and Bala 'incident' spark major delays (