Tranent: schoolboy defies odds to walk again after horror car accident

Denis-Jack Ward was struck by a car in front of his shocked family in 2021, suffering an open fracture to his leg.

The incident took place on the A198 in Tranent, as Denis-Jack, who was four at the time, ran out onto the road and was hit by a 4×4 vehicle.

However, after a gruelling period of operations and physiotherapy, the youngster is back on his feet and is looking forward to a summer with his friends after re-learning how to walk.

This positive outcome was never guaranteed, as Denis-Jack had the skin from his knee to his ankle removed in the accident, leaving medics unsure if he would ever walk again.

But the six-year-old has since successfully navigated a number of complex surgeries, taking the physiotherapy in his stride as he got back on his feet.

East Lothian Courier: Denis-Jack Ward, 6, is back on his feet following a horrific crash two-years-ago

Dionne Leadbetter, Denis-Jack’s mum, told the Courier about what happened on the day of the accident.

Dionne, 31, from Tranent, said: “We were crossing the road to get a slushie.

“I leaned out to see if it was safe to cross and he ran out onto the road.

“By the time I went to grab him, a car had already hit him.

“Denis-Jack collapsed on the ground and I absolutely crumbled.

“When the ambulance arrived, they cut away his trousers and his leg swelled up to three times the size.

“We were rushed to hospital and there were 14 nurses and doctors standing around him. It was so frightening.”

In the space of a month, Denis-Jack underwent four operations at the Royal Hospital for Children & Young People in an attempt to fix the bone and skin graft his leg.

East Lothian Courier: Denis-Jack Ward, 6, is back on his feet following a horrific crash two-years-ago

He had to spend five months in a wheelchair and went on to begin a battle that would last for two years.

Denis-Jack started primary school for the first time on a part-time basis and had to use a walking frame.

He is now at school full time and is walking completely unassisted.

Denis-Jack said: “My very best memory was when I stood and walked for the first time again. I had a big smile on my face and I was so happy.

“When I grow up, I want to be a superhero, but I know they don’t exist, so I’m going to have a superhero job instead!”

East Lothian Courier: Denis-Jack Ward, 6, is back on his feet following a horrific crash two-years-ago

Dionne added: “It has been really hard for him, especially because he was such an independent, sporty child.

“A huge part of his recovery was his determination to get back to what he loved doing most.”

His mum was also hugely grateful for the work done by NHS staff, stressing how all their efforts gave Denis-Jack a second chance.

She said: “We are so grateful to all of the team at the hospital. They were all amazing.

“They have given my little boy his life back.”

Darren Ward, 38, Denis-Jack’s father, who lives in Prestonpans, told the Courier how difficult it was to see his son in pain but he was so proud to see him come out the other side, adding his thanks to the hospital staff.

He said: “Watching him get his dressings changed was really difficult. I hated seeing him in so much pain, but Denis-Jack has incredible mental strength and he’s the most caring, loving wee boy.

“I’m really proud of him, he’s my best pal.

“I’m just so thankful to everyone at the hospital – it was a really horrible time and if it wasn’t for them, I don’t know how I would have got through it.

“I can’t thank everyone enough that my little boy is still here.”

Judith Montgomery, major trauma, orthopaedics and burns and plastics physiotherapist at NHS Lothian, has been working with Denis-Jack since the accident and managed to get him back on his feet.

She said: “Denis-Jack is an incredibly resilient boy.

“From the outset, it was really unclear as to whether he would be able to keep his leg and the fact that he’s now fully recovered with not even a limp is incredible.

“He will always have the scars on his leg but now they just remind him how hard he has worked towards being able to walk again.

“We wish him and his family the best of luck with everything.”