Ryan Clancy of Kings Park dies in motorized scooter accident, police say
A Kings Park man crashed a electric scooter Monday night in Smithtown and died, according to the Suffolk County Police Department.
The man, later identified as 29-year-old Ryan Clancy, had been operating a Kaabo Wolf Warrior X model scooter northbound on Route 25A, south of Willow Ridge Drive “when he lost control of the scooter, which struck the right curb, causing him to fall off the scooter and strike his head on the pavement” at about at 8 p.m., the department wrote in a news release.
Clancy was pronounced dead at St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center in Smithtown.
According to the Kaaba website, the scooter is capable of going a top speed of 62 miles per hour, with a range of 100 miles on a single charge.
Further details about the crash, such as how fast he was going, were not disclosed in the news release.
According to a 2023 study in the journal Scientific Reports, falls were the main “mechanism of injury” in about 82% of e-scooter cases. “Patients regularly reported uneven pavement (e.g., sidewalk, cobblestone) or a slippery road (e.g., rain, foliage) to have caused the fall,” the paper said.
Details of the road conditions weren’t disclosed in the Smithtown crash.
By Matthew ChayesMatthew Chayes, a Newsday reporter since 2007, covers New York City.