‘We demand traffic lights’: Calls to make Cheshire village ‘accident hotspot’ safer

An online petition has been launched calling for traffic lights to be installed at a "dangerous" Cheshire village junction branded an "accident hotspot".

The petition lodged with Cheshire West and Chester Council[1] claims that the junction with the A533 and Brick Kiln Lane/Jack Lane in Moulton "is no longer adequate for the traffic", adding that its proposed measures "would improve the situation considerably".

It also mentions the comments made by the highways department last year relating to the junction in response to an outline planning application for 120 new homes on land off nearby Niddries Lane. The highways officer refers to "the accident history in this location" and says consideration should be given to a road safety scheme or improvements.

In response to the comments, chartered surveyors Eddisons - on behalf of the applicant Miller Homes - confirmed in May this year that they have "reviewed the accident data" and state that four "reportable injury accidents" have occurred at the junction between 2017 and 2022. It adds: "Eddisons note that all of the reported accidents involved vehicle turning to/from Jack Lane, it is also noted that three of the accidents occurred during dark lighting conditions.

"Furthermore, it is noted that the junction advanced warning signage, warning traffic approaching along the A533 of the Jack Lane junction is un-lit at both the north and southbound signs and partially obscured by foliage at the northbound sign. It is therefore proposed to replace the existing signage with larger advanced warning signage, equipped with yellow backboards and solar-lighting."

However, the online petition set up earlier this month and so far signed by more than 40 people is demanding that the traffic measures go further. It states: "The current junction is an accident blackspot, and attempts to tweak the junction by Cheshire West has failed; we demand traffic lights to alleviate the dangerous junction.


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  1. ^ Cheshire West and Chester Council (www.cheshire-live.co.uk)
  2. ^ Thousands swarm Northwich 'fantastic' soapbox racing event (www.cheshire-live.co.uk)
  3. ^ here. (cmttpublic.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk)
  4. ^ Sign up for CheshireLive email direct to your inbox here (www.cheshire-live.co.uk)