All the Stoke-on-Trent roads schemes set for share of £14m transport cash

Boosting road safety near schools, improving junctions and removing dangers to pedestrians and drivers will be the focus of £14m of transport spending in Stoke-on-Trent.

Among the schemes earmarked for approval are safety traffic calming measures on Endon Road in Norton Green[1], where six-year-old Sharlotte-Sky Naglis was killed by a drunken and drug-fuelled driver in 2021.

There will also be traffic calming outside Newstead Academy in Blurton, where five-year-old pupil Minaal Salam[2] died when she was knocked down in an accident in April last year.

And potholes will also feature high on the list of priorities, which around £1.3m set to be spent on repairing crater-ridden roads.

Other schemes included in the plan for 2023/24 include:

* acquiring the land to finally complete the missing section of the Potteries Way ring road, in Hanley;

* improvements to Lysander Road in Meir Park, between the A50 and Whittle Road;

* creating a bus lay-by on Weston Road in Weston Coyney, close to the junction with Caverswall Road and Park Hall Road;

* adding dropped kerbs and tactile paving to pavements throughout the city to help disabled residents;

* extension of the Safer Routes to School programme across the city, starting with Grove Academy in Northwood, St George and St Martin’s Catholic Academy in Birches Head and St Joseph’s Catholic Academy in Goldenhill in 2023/24;

* creating a new cycle path link between the existing National Cycle Network at Sideway through to Heron Cross;

* creating a pedestrian crossing on Lichfield Street in Joiners Square;

* safety measures on Park Hall Road in Longton;

* a ‘road safety scheme’ on Lightwood Road in Lightwood;

* new signage to encourage more people use the rear car park at Stoke-on-Trent station;

* improvements to the junction with Newstead Industrial Estate and Stanley Matthews Way on Trentham Road;

* traffic management measures to ‘prioritise bus use’ on Church Lane in Hanford between Mayne Street and Diarmid Road;

* pedestrian crossing on Church Road in Blurton;

* improvements to Town Road in Hanley from Providence Square to Potteries Way;

* maintenance to bridges in Arbourfield Drive in Eaton Park, Eastwood Road in Etruria, Birches Head Road in Abbey Hulton, Millrise Road in Milton and Queens Avenue in Chell.

A report put to city leaders states: “Travel and transport are essential to almost every aspect of our daily lives. Very little happens without us needing to walk or cycle, or use a car, bus, train, plane or lorry.

“Transport connects people to work, education, healthcare, shops and other services and facilities; and is fundamental to the recovery of our economy and continuing prosperity. An effective highway infrastructure is a critical enabler of regeneration and economic growth of cities, town centres and wider conurbation.

“A well maintained and managed transport network contributes to the local economy, protecting our environment and creates attractive places to live, work and play. It is also beneficial in reducing carbon emissions, encouraging road users to adopt healthier lifestyles, improving road safety and increasing accessibility to key services.

“A well-managed and maintained transport network has, and will continue to be crucial in supporting a vibrant and sustainable local economy. Potential schemes outlined in this report that could be delivered to improve the transport network in our city, can also support our city and its surrounding areas economy, by reducing congestion pinch points, and improving the road network leading lead to savings in journey times for businesses, commuters, freight and bus operators.”

The report also noted that due to the recent change in the city council’s administration, the programme would be kept under review and if necessary, changes would be made as required.

In addition, the council intends to spend £3.8million of its own money on improvements to the junction of Waterloo Road and Cobridge Road and £5.9million on resurfacing roads.

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  1. ^ traffic calming measures on Endon Road in Norton Green (
  2. ^ pupil Minaal Salam (
  3. ^ Sign up for email alerts from StokeonTrentLive direct to your inbox here (