Husband and wife from Middleton involved in A17 Gedney crash say they are ‘lucky to be alive’
A motorcyclist and his wife say they are “lucky to be alive” and want to thank those who came to their rescue following a crash on the A17.
Steve and Sue Foot were travelling down the A17[1] on their 44th wedding anniversary when they were involved in a crash near Gedney on Friday night.
The road was closed for about an hour and a half while emergency services were at the scene. The couple said they were driven into from behind.
Luckily Sue and Steve escaped with injuries and bruising and wanted to thank those who helped them.
“I apologise to all of you for being delayed and inconvenienced,” said Steve, of Middleton, near King’s Lynn.
“We don’t know the name of the off-duty nurse on her way home after her shift ended who was first on the scene and attended to me.”
The couple were heading to Woodhall Spa for a weekend away to celebrate their wedding anniversary on Steve’s brand-new motorbike.
Steve said that he and his wife are “lucky to be alive” after the crash.
“How we survived we don’t know,” said Steve, of Middleton.
He added: “We want to thank the young couple in the car ahead of us with their mother-in-law and their children who directed, and then blocked the road because I was very near the road centre line and in danger of being driven over.
“To the gentleman who provided help to my wife and attended to other things later on, it was so kind.
“To the Lincolnshire Police officers, who attended and managed the situation, the ambulance crew and their colleague who was also off duty and stayed to help his colleagues.
“All the doctors, nurses, and staff at the Boston Pilgrim A&E. There must have been dozens of you. We thank you and salute you all.
“We will never be able to repay all of your help, care, kindness, and professionalism and words can’t describe our feelings to you all.”
Lincolnshire Police say they received a report of a collision at 6.28pm on Friday involving a blue Ford Fiesta and a motorbike.
The driver and passenger of the motorbike sustained injuries but they are not believed to be serious.
This collision was one of two in the Gedney area on Friday evening.
A lorry, reported to be containing sheep, had left the road on Topsgate at a similar time.
Both collisions had created heavy congestion around the village.