Killer ploughed car into wall on Manchester estate after speeding to see dying mum
A convicted killer has been spared jail for dangerous driving after a judge accepted his claims he was only speeding at the time due to him being in a 'panic' to see his dying mother.
Christopher Howell, 39, who had no driving licence after a 27-year history of violent car crime, was arrested after he ploughed his Vauxhall Corsa van into a wall when he lost control of the vehicle as a patrol car was tailing him through inner city streets at 50mph.
The 'experienced criminal' carried out his first offence aged 12 and went to jail for manslaughter aged just 18 when he ran over and killed a security guard while stealing his car. But at Minshull Street Crown Court, a court took pity on him as at the time of the latest incident, he had been told his mother was 'about to take her last breath' and he was racing to get to see her before she died.
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She passed away whilst he was still trapped in the wreckage of the Corsa. The incident happened after police saw Howell driving towards them as they were patrolling the Miles Platting area.
Howell, of Greenwich Close, Miles Platting, faced up to five years in jail after he admitted dangerous driving but was freed with a 12-month community order with a requirement to complete 150 hours of unpaid work after the judge Miss Recorder Kate Cornell accepted his offending arose out a ''genuine emergency.''
Howell was also banned from driving for 12 months after he admitted driving the Corsa without a licence or insurance. He insisted he did not realise police were following him but was later seen grinning as he left the court building.

Gavin Howie, prosecuting, said Howell was driving at around 50mph when officers started following him. Howell then 'lost control' and collided with a low garden wall and flipped the car.
''He was trapped in the car and had to be removed by the fire service before being taken to Manchester Royal Infirmary, where he was later arrested," Mr Howie added.
In mitigation, defence counsel Adam Roxborough, said Howell had received a call that evening on August 11 to say his mother was 'about to take her last breath', before the crash at 6.50pm.
"In a panic, he took his cousin’s car and sped off towards his mother’s address," he said. "It was a tragedy for him that he did not get to see his mother before her passing. He had collided with the wall and was stuck within his cousin’s car when his mother sadly died.
"While he was someone who was driving without a licence due to previous incidents, he put it all at risk because his mother was dying. It was clearly a very short piece of driving, and there are no suggestions he knows he was being followed by the police. It is at the bottom of the scale for dangerous driving offences.''
Sentencing at Minshull Street on Tuesday, August 1, Miss Recorder Cornell told Howell: ''I am aware you have previous convictions for driving offences, but this was of a wholly different character. The dangerous period of driving was momentary and motivated purely by your desire to see your dying mother.
“It was a genuine emergency, and it was a great irony that your dangerous driving meant you did not see your mother before she died. You clearly ignored the rules of the road and chose to drive without a licence or insurance."
Howell killed a man in horror ambush
Howell had a history of assault, arson, robbery, burglary, violent disorder, wounding and aggravated vehicle taking. He became notorious in June 2002 when he ambushed security guard Sikiru Egberongbe, 64,[2] as he arrived at for work for his night shift at a business park.
The victim had climbed out of his blue Toyota Starlet, leaving the engine running so that he could open the gates but as he returned to his car Howell, who had been lying in wait, emerged from the shadows and threatened him with a brick, shouting: "F****** get away from the car" and jumped into the driver’s seat.
Nigerian born Mr Egberongbe tried to grab the youth as the driver’s door was still open but the youth slammed the car into reverse and the victim was pulled under the wheels and the vehicle drove over him.

Howell then sped off leaving Mr Egberongbe dying in the road. The doting grandfather died five days later in North Manchester General Hospital from fatal chest and leg injuries.
When he was originally jailed for nine years in 2002 for robbery and for manslaughter, the judge in the case branded him a 'an experienced, determined and persistent criminal.''
But in 2012 Howell was locked up for another nine years for robbery and having a bladed article after he targeted motorists in savage car jackings in which helay in wait in darkened car parks at evening time to ambush commuters returning late from work.
In one raid, a driver returning to his Audi A4 was punched repeatedly in the head and told 'we'll batter you, we'll knife you' as he was robbed of his vehicle, iPhone, iPods, bags and watch. In another, a businessman was getting into his BMW 7 Series he was threatened with a meat cleaver before being dragged out of his car then beaten up and left in a daze as Howell drove off in his vehicle.
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- ^ when he ambushed security guard Sikiru Egberongbe, 64, (