Lancashire drivers say speed cameras should target accident ‘hot …

Some Lancashire drivers say speed cameras are just a 'lazy' way to raise revenue (Photo: National World)

Some Lancashire drivers say speed cameras are just a 'lazy' way to raise revenue (Photo: National World)

According to the Lancashire Road Safety Partnership, there are almost 280 static camera sites within the county, which may be in use at any given time.

In addition to this , there are more than 40 mobile speed camera sites earmarked for Lancashire in August, with the latest locations recently announced.

Asked by the LEP if there were enough speed cameras and if they were affective, there was a mixed response from drivers.

More than 40 mobile cameras are being located across Lancashire in August (Photo: LEP)

More than 40 mobile cameras are being located across Lancashire in August (Photo: LEP)

More than 40 mobile cameras are being located across Lancashire in August (Photo: LEP)

But many felt that accident blackspots were not targeted enough and that the cameras were simply an easy way of milking revenue from usually law-abiding motorists who were unluckily caught out.

Not enough in danger hot spots

Chris Jones said: "Put speed cameras on actual accident hot spots like they're supposed to be and not just hidden on blind bends to obviously make money and always on the same locations every month.”

Stephen Ashworth said: “Unfortunately most cameras are on roads which are not dangerous.

"I would prefer the cameras to be positioned more on accident and dangerous spots.

“They would probably not get the revenue but would undoubtedly save lives, so which is more important?”

And Peter Delahunty said: “There are lots in places where money can be raised but where the impact of speeding is limited.

"Whereas real danger spots are seemingly ignored.”

Put them at traffic lights

Mikey G Gregg: “They'd make more money with cameras for jumping red lights.

"The standard of driving is deplorable these days.”

James Kearns said: “Speed cameras do not affect traffic speeds or accidents.

"If the really wanted to make money put cameras on traffic lights – the amount of close calls due to red light cheats is ridiculous.”

Mixed views

Sue Lavery said: “When you have an average speed check lasting 11 miles, on the M6, l can cheerfully say yes there are enough speed cameras.”

Ann Langley said: "The only effective speed cameras are the average speed camera zones.

Story continues

"Motorists can simply brake before a stand-alone speed camera and they speed straight up as soon as they've cleared the lines.”

Steve Holgate thought there weren’t enough. He said: “Reintroduce the hand held mobile ones with a PCSO or a Bobby operator.

"Static permanent fixed cameras rarely even have anything inside just a box.”

Graham Wilson said: “About as effective as a chocolate fireguard , can't spot reckless driving. Better with proper old school traffic police with common sense -anyone remember them?

Bob Entwistle commented: “They should have average speed cameras in every road where it is practical.

“Anyone who disagrees is advocating breaking the law.”

Chantal Porter said: “There really aren’t enough, the amount of stupid drivers in Chorley is unbelievable that and also running red lights.”

Sha Ziaa said : “Yes there are enough, In fact there’s too many.”

Paul Briggs added: “Should be more police car patrols not cameras. Cameras are just a lazy way to catch speeders - let the police and authorities earn their cash like the working lad does.”

And Tilly Sutton said: “They don’t work, most of them!”


  1. ^ Lancashire mobile speed camera locations for August (