Woman jailed for cycle crash which left Oxford GP ‘for dead’

Holly Ann Davies refused to admit she had knowingly crashed into an Oxford GP cycling on the A354 at Blandford, giving a “cock and bull story” to police about damage to her Mercedes.

The 36-year-old was also at least 75 per cent over the legal drink drive limit during the crash – which doctors say would have killed the GP had he not been wearing a helmet.

Bournemouth Crown Court heard how Dr Jonathan Bickford was cycling on the A354 on the bank holiday Monday of September 19 last year.

Travelling from Weymouth to his home in Oxford, Dr Bickford was approaching the roundabout near the Hall and Woodhouse Brewery shortly after 8am when driver Jodie Miller approached from behind.

Giving evidence on August 22, Mrs Miller said she carefully overtook the cyclist. Moments later, she looked in her rear-view mirror to see a white Mercedes also travelling behind Dr Bickford.

Oxford Mail: A354 at Blandford towards Badger roundaboutA354 at Blandford towards Badger roundabout (Image: Google)

She said: “I literally saw the white car plough through the cyclist, I saw him go up into the air and land back down.”

Mrs Miller pulled over and frantically attempted to stop the driver by waving out the window, but they continued driving.

“It seemed like they didn’t want to be seen,” added Mrs Miller, who made a note of the car’s registration before rushing to Dr Bickford’s aid.

The victim suffered a fractured shoulder blade, a deep laceration to his left elbow, swelling to an ankle and a concussion resulting in retrograde amnesia.

Judge Robert Pawson said the doctor’s helmet “shattered into pieces” because of the crash, and that he likely would have died had he not been wearing it.

At an earlier court hearing on June 16, prosecutor Tim Moores read a statement on behalf of Dr Bickford which said the incident left him with “the realisation that he could have been killed, and the devastation that could have had on his wife and children is still with him”.

The registration number provided by Mrs Miller led police to an industrial estate in Ferndown where Davies had driven to work. Damage to her car included a missing wing mirror, a smashed light, and scrapes.

Davies was arrested and failed an alcohol urine test. In a police interview, she said she recalled seeing the cyclist but believed she swerved out of his way.

Oxford Mail: Holly Davies pleaded guilty to causing serious injury by dangerous driving and driving when alcohol level above limitHolly Davies pleaded guilty to causing serious injury by dangerous driving and driving when alcohol level above limit (Image: Dorset Police)

The court heard how Davies maintained she had no knowledge of hitting Dr Bickford, and suggested the damage to her car had been caused by her parking on a main road by her home.

Rose Burns, prosecuting at the August 22 hearing, said: “It’s almost inconceivable that she could not have noticed.

“She was fully aware of the accident happening and should have stopped.”

Judge Pawson agreed, describing Davies’ explanation as a “cock and bull story,” adding: “It seemed to me most likely that because she knew she was over the limit… that she drove off.

“She couldn’t face up to what she’s done, and she can’t still.”

Defence barrister Graham Gilbert said in mitigation how Davies had severe health issues including cancer and cystic fibrosis – an illness that claimed the life of her sister.

The court also heard that Davies previously received a double lung transplant and was on the medication Tacrolimus – the side effects of which can sometimes impair vision.

Oxford Mail: Bournemouth Crown Court.Bournemouth Crown Court.

She had spent the evening before the crash drinking heavily after the breakdown of her marriage and was reportedly crying at the wheel.

Mr Gilbert said: “She has had a life that has been littered with hardship.

“Medically, it’s remarkable she is still with us.

“She fully accepts she should not have got in a car. [It was a] deeply reckless action that has had truly horrific consequences.”

Sentencing, Judge Pawson told the defendant: “You must have known you’d struck [Mr Bickford]. You drove to work, you buried your head in the sand, and then you lied to police.

“I accept that you’re sorry about what happened, but your remorse is undermined by the fact you left the scene.”

Davies, of Milborne St Andrew of Dorset, was jailed for 14 months and disqualified from driving for 37 months.

Judge Pawson also ordered £500 be paid to Mrs Miller for her “swiftness of thinking” in recording the number plate and “humanity” in aiding Dr Bickford.