Serious crashes spark action on speeding drivers in Somerset town

Unsafe and speeding motorists are causing major concerns in Frome[1]. The latest discussion at the Frome Town Council meeting on Wednesday, November 15, was prompted by a severe collision on Rodden Road in which a man was hospitalised on October 20. New SID (speed indicator device) signs are part of a crackdown on speeding, and volunteers are taking action.

Councillor Anita Collier, who recently attended a meeting with Avon & Somerset Police, said: “Following the collision on Rodden Road, being the ward councillor for Berkley Down, I met with a lot of the residents who were very concerned about the level of speeding, and a lot of very unsafe driving. “I explained that we would pressure Somerset County and the police to take preventative action to improve the safety of what the locals call a rat run. If you have ever been through Rodden Road, it can be quite dangerous, as is the situation in Fromefield, as well as The Butts and several other places.

We do have a major speeding problem.”

A new Rodden Road Speed and Safety Group had been set up to gather photographic or anecdotal evidence. Cllr Collier explained: “They will do everything they can to take active steps to improve road safety and volunteer to become community speed watch operatives.

Out of the people I met, eleven have volunteered. “It’s pleasing to know we have people willing to stand up and not just talk but also walk the walk.” She said other suggestions involved talking to Somerset Council about double yellow lines, particularly on a bend where vans had parked, making visibility challenging. “It was on one of those bends where we had a very nasty accident recently,” she said. “They also wanted to talk about making it a 20mph zone – although these things are never as easy as they sound.

“A pedestrian crossing was also requested to Rodden Meadow from the footpath. It’s OK to ask for these things, but there is always a price to pay, and not always financial. A suggestion to put planters in the road to help alleviate some of the speeding that goes on was also made.”

On putting up a speed camera, saying they were ‘out of the question’, she noted that Somerset Council would need confirmation of three deaths in the spot, as well as numerous injuries, with proof they were caused by speeding. “Even if you have three deaths, if they were not caused by speeding, it would not be enough to justify a speed camera,” she said. “It seems remarkable.” Ashley Reay, from the Mendip Community Speedwatch, said he would happily help with Rodden Road’s problems. He said: “Frome is getting a bad reputation for speeding.

You could say the same in Bath, Timbuktu, Bolton, or wherever, but it’s getting worse and worse. “When I’m with police officers, cars slow down, wave, and then go down the road and get caught for speeding, I have no answer for that. “I fear for this town; the police are looking at this in a really serious light, with lots of cops, fines and moaning from motorists about not having better things to do.”

Jane Llewellyn, Frome’s planning and development manager, said: “We have 15 locations where SID is located in Frome, and the increase in locations is in response to residents’ requests. Thanks to Rod and the ranger team for moving the SID around the town and downloading all the data. “To cope with the increase in the number of locations, we have applied to Avon & Somerset Community Trust, and we have been awarded GBP5,000 to buy another SID.

Based on the advice, we will buy a smiley-face SID with an angry face, slightly different from an existing one showing speed.” She explained it was an auto-speed watch unit, which did not issue fines or penalise people but would collect data to identify persistent speeders for the police to use and take action.

“At Clink Road, the existing unit has collected data on 34,300 vehicle movements over two weeks,” she explained. “The average speed of 85 per cent of those vehicles was 31.5mph, although one person did go through at 60mph at 2.50am. “All of this data is shared with highways, police, and speedwatch, and if it raises any concerns, further monitoring of the area will be carried out.”

On the residents’ proposals, she explained that a 20mph limit would require 85 per cent of vehicle speeds, which would currently need to be below 24mph, and further data would be required. “This would require signing and lining and, depending on the zone’s length and other factors, would cost around GBP15,000 per zone. If, however, the average speed was over 24mph, the zone can still be changed to a 20mph zone but would require additional speed calming measures.

Somerset would need advice from traffic engineers on what would be appropriate, such as planters and signage. It could cost approximately GBP277,000, not including design costs.” On pedestrian crossings, she said they needed to look at design costs, which could be up to GBP140,000.

On double yellow lines, she added: “Somerset do cover the costs of those, but they will require a traffic amendment order, and the next amendment won’t be for a year, so even if we request them and they are agreed, there will be a delay.”

She said that what the council could do was locate the SID along Rodden Road and install ‘kill your speed’ signs.


  1. ^ Frome (
  2. ^ ‘Serious’ crash shuts key route through Frome as drivers warned to avoid area (
  3. ^ A303 crash involving lorry and two cars (
  4. ^ Avon and Somerset Police child protection ‘requires improvement’ (
  5. ^ Mother and son left homeless after devastating house fire (