Teenager hit speed of 110mph in Audi on M2

The case was heard at Antrim Magistrates Court, sitting in Ballymena. Picture by: Arthur Allison/Pacemaker Press.

The case was heard at Antrim Magistrates Court, sitting in Ballymena. Picture by: Arthur Allison/Pacemaker Press.

Christian John Kelly, of Gortnagross Road, committed the excess speed offence on September 2, five days before he turned 19. Antrim Magistrates Court, sitting in Ballymena, heard he was detected at the M2 motorway. A defence lawyer said the defendant's father has a car business and both had been to England to buy cars.

The defendant had been driving one of the vehicles. The barrister said there was "no excuse" for the "outrageous" speed but traffic had been "light". District Judge Nigel Broderick said many young men believe they are "infallible" but at such a speed the defendant could have killed himself or somebody else.

Judge Broderick said it would be every parents' "worst nightmare" if police came to their door to say a "young loved one" had been killed as a result of a road traffic accident.

The defendant was banned from driving for six weeks and was fined GBP200.