Town raises flag for Metis Week
The Metis Flag has been raised at the Town Civic Centre in honour of the anniversary of Louis Riel's death on November 16, 1885. Riel was a Canadian politician, political leader of the Metis, and founder of Manitoba. The flag will be up for one week.
Two Metis girls from Breton and Drayton Valley, Poet Kaiser and Ellie Newton, had the honour of raising the flag with the help of Town employee, Barry Yakimchuk. Town celebrates former MLA Mark Smith, the former MLA for the Drayton Valley-Devon area, was recognized for his contributions to the community on November 15.
Smith, who taught at Frank Maddock High School for 30 years, served as the campaign manager for Preston Manning, and served two terms as MLA, is now enjoying life in retirement with his family. "It's been an honour and privilege to work alongside you," said Mayor Nancy Dodds. Youth Advisory Committee presents survey results
The YAC attended the Town Council meeting to share the results of a survey they have been asking 14-25 year-olds in the community to fill out. One of the biggest take aways was that they would like to see a Youth Centre or an area where teens and young adults can just hang out, such as an arcade. They would also like to see more mental health services available.
Now that they have some results from their survey, the YAC is planning to focus on putting together a strategic plan for the community. Bylaw amendment gets second reading An amendment to the Community Standards Bylaw was put forward by Cody Rossing, a community peace officer, asking to have the bylaw reworded to leave the onus on the land owners in Mobile Home Parks to remove unfit structures.
Council voted to give second reading and instructed administration to set up a meeting between council and the park owners before they consider giving a third reading. New school zone signage change Shelly Terry, the General Manager of Municipal Services, has requested permission to change the yield signage in the area surrounding the new Powerhouse Campus at 43 St. and 43 Ave.
Along with school zone signs being put into place, Terry asked to change the yield sign at 44 Ave. and 43 St. to a stop sign due to the anticipated traffic increase in the area.
Amanda Jeffery, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Drayton Valley and District Free Press