Driver covered in broken glass as windscreen ‘explodes’ in crash

The accident happened on the B3054 Lymington to Dibden road i(Image: Newsquest)/i

The accident happened on the B3054 Lymington to Dibden road (Image: Newsquest) A young driver was left covered in broken glass after his windscreen "exploded" in an accident in the New Forest[1]. His car was badly damaged by a free-roaming pony that may have been startled by an emergency service vehicle that was coming the other way.

The animal was seriously injured in the incident and had to be put down by one of the agisters. It is being held up as an example of how anyone can be involved in an animal accident, regardless of how well they are driving.

Daily Echo: Dozens of free-roaming animals are killed or injured on New Forest roads every yearDaily Echo: Dozens of free-roaming animals are killed or injured on New Forest roads every year

Daily Echo: Dozens of free-roaming animals are killed or injured on New Forest roads every year Dozens of free-roaming animals are killed or injured on New Forest roads every year (Image: New Forest Roads Awareness)

Posting on social media, Gilly Jones of New Forest Roads Awareness, said the accident happened on the B3054 Lymington to Dibden road at around 7.15am on Monday, December 11.