Edinburgh’s Elm Row pigeon sculpture handed into cafe after being discovered by resident

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The mystery behind the disappearance of one of Edinburgh’s Elm Row[2] pigeon statues has been solved, with the missing bird, which was feared stolen, understood to have instead been taken in for safe keeping. Craig Jones Rowley, owner of Dean Jones Hairdressing on Elm Row[3], discovered the displaced bronze pigeon statue outside his salon on Sunday (December 3) and handed it into a neighbouring cafe on the street before notifying the council.

Yesterday (Thursday December 6) the police and council advised that enquiries were at an early stage following reports the beloved sculptures had been stolen[4]. But in actual fact, the unique sculpture was in safe hands all along and has now been returned to the council. The council will now look to reinstate the artwork at a later date after collecting the beloved statue yesterday.

The Elm Row pigeon was discovered on its side by a local resident on Sunday, December 3./ppPhoto: Craig Jones RowleyThe Elm Row pigeon was discovered on its side by a local resident on Sunday, December 3. Photo: Craig Jones RowleyThe Elm Row pigeon was discovered on its side by a local resident on Sunday, December 3. Photo: Craig Jones Rowley

Mr Rowley, who discovered the vandalised sculpture on Sunday afternoon, said: “It was just lying on its side – I was shocked and in disbelief because I don’t know how someone managed to do it.

But I handed it into the cafe next door to us for safe keeping and when I reported it the council the next day they told me somebody would be out within 10 days to collect it.” He added: “Eventually someone did turn up after it was reported stolen in the press, but it was never stolen. I handed it into Cafe Elmrow because I was worried someone was going to walk away with it and do something silly with it.”

Craig, who has lived in Leith for 20 years and established Dean Jones Hairdressing with his partner 10 years ago, said: “We remember when the pigeons were in their old location and having them back was amazing for all the businesses around because they’re great pieces of artwork. We jokingly gave them all different names when they returned, and it was poor wee Ethel that got vandalised.” Councillor Scott Arthur[5], transport and environment convener, said: “I’m delighted that our missing pigeon has been found safe and sound – thank you to Cafe Elmrow for taking care of it.

We’re now looking to reinstate it on Elm Row[6] as quickly as possible.” He added: “Of course, this is still a case of vandalism which we take very seriously. We will continue to work with Police Scotland to assist investigations into this crime.” The flock of pigeon sculptures, that were first introduced to Elm Row in 1996, were removed in 2006 as part of the original tram project before returning to Elm Row this year[7].

The statues were unveiled to the public on July 27 after being refurbished and completely recast by Powderhall Bronze[8].


  1. ^ Visit Shots! now (www.shotstv.com)
  2. ^ Elm Row (www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com)
  3. ^ Elm Row (www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com)
  4. ^ following reports the beloved sculptures had been stolen (www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com)
  5. ^ Scott Arthur (www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com)
  6. ^ Elm Row (www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com)
  7. ^ returning to Elm Row this year (www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com)
  8. ^ Powderhall Bronze (www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com)