Electric cables crash down onto road after ‘drink driver’ piles into telegraph pole

Police have released images of the crash near Leamington Spa in the hope of deterring people from drink driving Part of a telegraph pole crashed down on top of an innocent motorist after a suspected drink driver ahead of him smashed into the structure, snapping it in half. The crash, which involved a Ford Focus, happened on Ufton Road near Harbury, south-east of Leamington Spa, late on Thursday (December 7).

"It's never a good idea to drink and drive," said a spokesperson from Warwickshire Police's Operational Patrol Unit (OPU). "The driver lost control on the Ufton Road near Harbury and collided with a BT telegraph pole snapping it in half, causing the cables to drop onto the road. "Part of the pole also hit another motorist's vehicle, causing damage. The driver of the Ford Focus was arrested at the scene after he failed a roadside breath test.

"We also found him in possession of cannabis and he was further arrested for drugs possession. In custody, the driver provided an evidential breath sample over the prescribed limit. He has been detained in custody overnight for interview."

The unit released images of the crash in the hope of deterring people from drink driving.

Pictures of the smash can be seen below.