Escape to the Country’s Jonnie Irwin says ‘you know you’re getting old’ in new update
Popular Escape to the Country presenter Jonnie Irwin had fans rushing to give advice as he posted up a picture of himself and added 'you know you're getting old'. The 50-year-old who is battling terminal cancer was assembling furniture in his home and revealed that he needed some special equipment to help him see what he was doing. Followers on Instagram were pleased to see him looking so well and active at Christmas[1] - he has been forced to seek treatment in hospital recently for pain and jaundice and has cancer which has spread from his lungs to his brain.
Jonnie who has three young boys and is married to Jessica said: "You know when you're getting old when you need to wear a head torch to assemble furniture..!" Jonnie, originally from Leicestershire, has been renovating his home in the north east for his family to live in - they have moved there so Jessica can be near her family for support as he battles cancer. He has so far defied doctors' predictions - at one point he was given only two weeks to live and has said that he views his survival to this point a 'complete triumph'.
Fans were pleased to see him getting stuck in to jobs over Xmas and doodledoodesigns21 said: "Looking great! I hope you're feeling strong and you and your family have a magical Christmas xxx" Suewithtwotees added: "Not sure what you're doing, but you're doing it right!
You look great!" Yesplezzbabes said: "You look so well and makes me happy for you." added: "Jonnie you look fantastic. Lovely to see, genuinely.
Merry Christmas to you all x." Susan Maycock said: "You have a lovely time with your family god bless you and your family."
Jonnie has installed a hyperbaric oxygen chamber in his home to help fight the disease and has also been trying a radical diet.