How the 2013 Humber tidal surge happened hour-by-hour across Grimsby and northern Lincolnshire

On December 5 2013, the Humber region was hit by the worst tidal storm surge in 60 years. Here is how the Grimsby Telegraph originally reported the events of that day and night. FIRST, gale force winds battered North East Lincolnshire, felling trees and ripping roofs from buildings.

Even from 9am, the authorities were taking action, calling homeowners and warning them of the potential for flooding. Throughout the afternoon, the flood sirens along our coastline were repeatedly sounded in advance of the tidal surge. And as afternoon turned to early evening, flood water began to swamp the East Coast.

Alarming photographs of Whitby and Bridlington were posted on the internet, causing fears to rise as high tide, at 7.06pm, drew nearer. At about 2pm, the Environment Agency issued a Severe Flood Warning for areas near to the sea defences in Humberston, low-lying areas in Grimsby and areas near to the sea defences in Cleethorpes. This was later extended to include Grant Thorold, East Marsh, West Marsh and Old Clee.

The warning was the highest level of risk and was later upgraded to the warning of a “danger to life”. Although people were experiencing slow-moving traffic on the roads, Stagecoach in North East Lincolnshire reported that it was service as normal, despite some delays due to the Humber Bridge being closed for short periods due to high winds. At 4.30pm, Network Rail suspended train services east of Barnetby – including Barton, Immingham, Grimsby and Cleethorpes – for the foreseeable future.

The emergency services and local authorities across the Humber began preparing in earnest for “an ingression of water” from about 5pm onwards.

At 5.03pm, the coastguard measured the water level at Immingham Dock. It was 7.4 metres, two metres higher than normal, and high tide was still two hours away. Steve Wood, Coastguard station officer, said: “It’s the highest I’ve seen in my 33 years of service.”

But the general public were remaining optimistic. Bill Parkinson, the owner of Willy’s Pub and Brewery, on Highcliff Road, said: “We are not panicking; we are slightly higher up than a lot of places, and on relatively high ground. We are having our curry night as usual and if the worst comes to the worst, there is always the bar upstairs.”

Photographs began to appear on social networking sites of people visiting the seafront to watch the waves breaching the prom. One picture showed a girl in her pyjamas taking footage on her phone. North East Lincolnshire Council issued a warning to people to stay away from the prom – not only was there a danger of people being swept away by a wave, but the cold weather should be enough to put them off, the council said.

Regardless, people did not heed the warnings and joined the media at the seafront to view the spectacle. North East Lincolnshire Council advised that residents living in two-storey buildings in the low-lying areas of Grimsby and Cleethorpes should move themselves to the second floor. Vulnerable residents, or those living in single-storey buildings, were advised to move to respite centres being set up by the council.

People were able to take shelter at Grimsby Leisure Centre; Grimsby Swimming Baths; Grimsby Town Hall; Freeman Street Rescource Centre; Bradley Football pitches; Riverside Children’s Centre; Scartho Children’s Centre; and Nunsthorpe and Bradley Park Children’s Centre. Volunteers from Humber Rescue lifeboat team were on standby to respond to the ongoing threats of flooding along the coast. Teams would be mobilised upon request by the HM Coastguard.

Glenn Ramsden, from Humber Rescue, said: “Our volunteers are incredibly loyal and adaptable, they have a great deal of experience in all aspects of this type of work. They are rightly very proud of what they do and how they do it and this serves to demonstrate their dedication, responding at any time, in any weather.”

Waves crashed over onto Cleethorpes promenade when the tidal surge of December 5, 2013 hit the areaWaves crashed over onto Cleethorpes promenade when the tidal surge of December 5, 2013 hit the area

West Marsh ward councillor Darren Billard and East Marsh ward councillor Stephen Beasant offered full support to people in their communities. Councillor Billard said: “Most of the warnings and problems are on the seafront areas, however, we are also said to be in an at-risk area.

I will be on hand where ever I am needed. I have been around the ward and everything I have seen so far appears safe and secure for the time being.” Councillor Beasant said: “I have been to two incidents; one to help a resident regarding a large branch that had broken off a tree and then to help another resident when a six-foot wall fell down in Pasture Street.

My main concern is for elderly and vulnerable people. I would advise that everyone should stay indoors and where possible upstairs. “We have not seen anything like this since the year I was born back in 1953.

I think we are going to start seeing more extreme weather conditions coming in the not so distant future. We have seen the extreme weather in the Philippines, and with so many people building on flood plains, I’m sure we are going to see more problems yet to come.” At about 5pm, Freshney Place – all geared up for late-night trading – announced it was closing.

Police officers walked around the town centre advising people to go home. Other events were cancelled, including the annual Carols By Candlelight service outside Grimsby Minster, and the blessing of the crib inside the shopping centre. Residents in the area of Blundell Park expressed their concerns, but said they too were planning to stay at home.

Mrs Jackson, of Manchester Street, Cleethorpes, said: “Hearing the sirens has been very worrying. We have been following the news reports but we are going to stay at home and see how it goes.” John Roberts, of Suggitts Lane, said: “We have seen bad weather before.

The tide is very high but I am not concerned at the moment, although I might say differently in hindsight!” At around 6pm, about an hour before high tide, water breached the Humberston Fitties. Residents stayed firm, insisting on not abandoning their homes.

The co-ordinator of the Humberston Fitties Neighbourhood Watch, George Nixon, said 150 properties – about half – remained occupied. Residents were refusing to move and were awaiting news of what was happening in the West Marsh area before deciding what to do. Mr Nixon said: “Volunteers are carrying out patrols along the seafront.

We are confident the sea defences will hold.” David and Diane Tovey, the famous cake bakers on the Fitties, were among those residents remaining in their properties, despite warnings from the Environment Agency to leave. They said: “We are not moving.

We do not have another home to go to. As long as we are all together and with our dogs nothing else matters. If we get caught up in it, so be it.”

A spokesman from the Environment Agency said: “Residents should be prepared. Put any flood plans they might have into action and take all necessary precautions.”

The lock gates at Grimsby Docks are breached during the tidal surge of December 5, 2013The lock gates at Grimsby Docks are breached during the tidal surge of December 5, 2013

Residents of homes in high risk areas were being evacuated. This included the densely-populated area around Blundell Park.

Other residents chose to move upstairs or leave their homes voluntarily. Grimsby Dock and Stallingborough Industrial Estate were evacuated. Willows Estate residents were being urged to stay calm amid warnings of a tidal flood surge.

Freshney ward councillor Cliff Barber told the Grimsby Telegraph that his phone had been “red hot” with anxious callers throughout the day. He said the warnings had brought back memories of the devastating floods of 2007, but added he was confident the Willows would not be affected. He said: “My phone has been red hot.

I think it will affect the coastal areas more, but because of what happened last time and the fact we near the river people start panicking. I have just been telling people not to panic. It’s just a case of crossing our fingers and hoping it doesn’t cause much damage.”

However, regulars at the Valiant Pub seemed pretty relaxed about the prospect of flooding. Barmaid Sophie Barber said: “A lot of people have been talking about it but they don’t think the Willows is going to get hit as bad as people are making out. We are not close to the coast and we have just had the flood defences done on the Freshney.

One regular who was in the pub earlier said that his daughter got a phone call saying they should move upstairs in their home.” The flood warning also resulted in a council meeting being cut short after staff were asked to leave Grimsby Town Hall at around 3.30pm. Councillor Barber, who sits on the children and young people scrutiny panel, then witnessed Freshney Place being evacuated after going to pick up his wife, who works on Top Town Market.

At 6.15pm, residents of the Humberston Fitties were forcibly evacuated as the danger of flooding increased. This continued for at least half an hour as low-level water flooded the area. Five minutes later, water breached the lock gates at Grimsby Docks, and there was a power cut affecting half of the area.

Security staff were aiding remaining people off the docks, and cars were driving through water. It eventually went into a state of “lockdown” due to flooding. At 6.45pm, the drains on Cleethorpes Promenade began to overflow.

At 7pm, Humberston Fitties was reported to be under 3ft of water. High tide occurred at 7.06pm. At 7.10pm, relieved residents in the Suggitt’s Lane area were returning to their homes just after high tide.

Keith Hampson, 54, of Suggitt’s Orchard, was on the sea wall watching the high tide with other residents. He said: “We were being told earlier to be prepared to evacuate just in case and we had several phone calls from the Environment Agency. But having looked at it, it’s still got 3ft to go to the top, and it’s already reached high tide.

I am going home. I am feeling a lot more relaxed now and I’m going to put my feet up.” Seven coaches took most of the Fitties residents and their pets to emergency shelters for the night because of concerns about a reoccurrence this morning.

George Nixon, co-ordinator of the Fitties Neighbourhood Watch, said that a small number of people did not leave their homes. About 20 people took shelter in the nearby Humberston Yacht Club.

The damage done

Residents in South Ferriby – the worst-affected village in North Lincolnshire[1] – saw water rip through their homes, with water three feet high passing through their properties. As the tidal surge hit, a team of volunteer drivers started to rescue pensioners from their flooded bungalows.

In the days after, residents rallied in support of each other as part of a clean-up operation. Cups of tea, mince pies and quiche were handed out to fuel those residents involved in the clean-up. Residents could be seen clearing properties up and down the road, with shift patterns created to allow work to be maximised.

Cushions, Christmas decorations, mattresses and furniture could be seen stockpiled on the road as residents began to come to terms with the effects of the tidal surge.

A car was swept into a ditch during flooding in South Ferriby, as the Humber tidal surge caused havoc on December 5 2013.A car was swept into a ditch during flooding in South Ferriby, as the Humber tidal surge caused havoc on December 5 2013.

Drenched family photographs and birthday cards could also be seen. But spirits remained high. Parish council chairman Roy Holloway said: “We have a really good community spirit in South Ferriby.

When something happens we just get on with it, and you can guarantee people will come out and help. The village hall is full of food, donations and clothing, and we are beginning to take positive steps.” Among the villagers helping with the clear-up operation early on Friday morning were Matthew Baldwin, 19, Ralph Barley and Alex Lowish, 14, who the previous night had been breaching up homes with sand bags.

They said: “Everybody is trying to help each other. There is a great community spirit.” At Immingham, the full extent of the damage to the docks was revealed, while ABP said that a decision by the dock master to lower the water level at Grimsby Docks by opening the lock gates prevented the surge spreading in towards the town centre.

Debris from the sea was strewn around Immingham, while huge pools of water also remained. Many staff were left to work from home or from neighbouring offices after the port closure. Deputy port manager Simon Brett, speaking from the Immingham Docks, said: “In Grimsby the impact of the tidal surge was extremely localised and the actions of the dock master and staff to lower the water level in the dock prevented that town suffering a more significant flooding episode.”

He continued: “Immingham Docks has suffered substantial flooding around the dock entrance and a number of sheds and buildings have been affected,. The port has lost most of its electricity supply and works are under way to restore that over the next 48 hours.” See more pictures of the flooding in our 10th-anniversary gallery[2].

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  1. ^ the worst-affected village in North Lincolnshire (
  2. ^ See more pictures of the flooding in our 10th-anniversary gallery (
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