Man injured after tripping on manhole cover in Parley Cross

Steve Leverington caught his foot on the raised cover while walking by the Ferndown Hand Car Wash in Parley Cross. The 71-year-old fell to the ground, scraping his face on the pavement and injuring his hands and knees when trying to break the fall. Covered in blood, Steve was able to get up and return home but was later taken to hospital for treatment.

According to his daughter Tanya Vinyard, he did not leave the house for a week after the incident on Saturday, December 2. Bournemouth Echo: Steve Leverington's injuriesSteve Leverington’s injuries (Image: Tanya Vinyard) She told the Daily Echo: “He’s taken a large proportion of the skin from his forehead.

He’s been told he’ll have a permanent and severe scar on his head. “He hasn’t wanted to be seen out in public. It looked like he had been run over or mugged.”

Steve and his daughter have since contacted Dorset Council and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). They fear the manhole cover is unsafe and are calling for it to be immediately coned off to stop anyone else from getting hurt. Steve said: “I’m 71, but I’m not frail.

If an old person went down there and did the same as me, it might be a different outcome. “If they don’t sort it out, somebody could end up seriously hurt. Bournemouth Echo: Steve Leverington's injuriesSteve Leverington’s injuries (Image: Tanya Vinyard)

“I haven’t heard from the council. They haven’t contacted me to see how I am or anything. It’s as if they’ve just blanked it.”

Tanya added that she had been out to inspect and measure the manhole cover, which is on a pedestrian pathway in New Road. She said the cover was loose and reported it as it did ‘not meet statutory standards’ in its height above the ground. Tanya said: “I’ve been there myself and I’ve seen it raised.

The next mancover along is protruding up too, and it’s dangerous. “The pathway itself is all bumpy – it’s certainly not safe for the age range of people that live there.” A spokesperson for Dorset Council said: “We were informed of this unfortunate accident on Monday, December 4, and assigned a community highways officer to contact the gentleman and visit the site the following day.

“While the officer concluded that the cover did not require any additional protective measures, they arranged for it to be refitted correctly within its frame.

“Dorset Council carries out regular inspections of its highway network, and any concerns should be reported directly to us via our website or by calling Customer Services.

“We wish the gentleman a speedy recovery.”