Mayoral candidates in row over police investigation into break-in at Belford community shop

A break-in at a village shop has descended into a political row between two candidates for the North East mayoral role. Watch more of our videos on Shots! and live on Freeview channel 276

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Belford Community Shop was the subject of a break-in on November 10, with thieves making off with a ‘considerable amount’ of cash. They also stole charity tins, broke into the safe and caused significant damage to the shop itself.

The store was bought by villagers in 2006 after the supermarket chain Spar closed, and is staffed by volunteers with money going to other causes in the village, including the gym. Cllr Guy Renner-Thompson, chairman of Belford Parish Council and local ward member on Northumberland County Council, who was recently announced as the Conservative candidate in the mayoral race, has criticised the police investigation into the incident.

Guy Renner-Thompson at Belford Community Shop.Guy Renner-Thompson at Belford Community Shop.Guy Renner-Thompson at Belford Community Shop.

He said the tight-knit community was ‘rocked’ when the shop was broken into and criticised police for failing to send an officer to investigate. “We’re one month after the burglary and still nobody has been the scene of this terrible crime,” he complained in a letter to Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Kim McGuinness and Chief Constable Vanessa Jardine.

“It’s not the fault of the local community police who do a great work but it’s an organisational failure that nobody has been asked to attend the shop. “A similar incident in Coggeshall in Essex had police officers attend and investigate. Essex Police has 192 police officers per 100,000 people.

Northumbria Police has 247 police offers per 100,000 people, the eighth highest police officer to population ratio in the Ccountry. Why should we receive a lesser service in Northumberland than Essex when Northumbria has more cops?” He called for a ‘full and proper investigation’ into the break-in and an apology for the lack of action.

But Ms McGuinness, who is also Labour’s mayoral candidate, said: “It is incredible that instead of standing up for our region and demanding more investment, Guy is trying to blame someone else for Tory cuts to policing. “The facts are clear. The Government is withholding funding for more than 400 extra police officers needed to bring Northumbria up to 2010 recruitment levels.

“Yet while the North East loses out, Essex Police has announced it now has the highest recruitment levels in its entire history thanks in part to Government support. “If Guy wants more police officers attending more events he should leave his press releases alone and get on the phone to his Tory colleagues in Government and demand they give us back our cops.” A Northumbria Police spokesperson said: “We can confirm on November 10, we received a report that a burglary had taken place at a business premises on the High Street in Belford, between midnight and 4am that day.

“After speaking to the caller, it was established we would not be able to secure forensic evidential opportunities from attending the scene in person. There was also no CCTV footage available from the shop. “Checks were carried out in relation to a potential vehicle of interest, but no-one was identified as a result.

“Due to a lack of viable lines of enquiry, the case was subsequently closed pending any new information coming forward.

“An officer from the local Neighbourhood Team is reviewing the case and arranging a follow-up visit with the victim to provide further safeguarding advice and reassurance.

“If any new lines of enquiry are identified, they will be pursued.We recognise the impact such crimes can have on businesses and communities and want to reassure people that when we receive reports we are committed to bringing offenders to justice wherever possible.”


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