Plans submitted for up to 204 new homes on former DVSA site in Bedford

Bedford Borough Council has received an outline planning application for the site in the hamlet of Harrowden

Approximate boundary for development at the former Driving Standards Agency site on Harrowden Lane, Harrowden. Screenshot Google MapsApproximate boundary for development at the former Driving Standards Agency site on Harrowden Lane, Harrowden. Screenshot Google MapsApproximate boundary for development at the former Driving Standards Agency site on Harrowden Lane, Harrowden.

Screenshot Google Maps

Up to 204 new homes could be built on the former DVSA[1] Site in Harrowden The applicants said this site forms part of "a larger strategic housing allocation" for Shortstown, originally set out in the Bedford Borough Local Plan (2002) and carried forward in the Local Plan 2030. They added that the emerging Local Plan 2040 also contains a draft housing allocation for the site.

The application's design and access statement said there will be a "high-quality" range of house types, including affordable housing.

Also included in the outline plans is a mobility hub, which could include a bus stop, a car club facility, EV charging points, and parcel lockers.

If the outline application is approved, the detailed layout, appearance, and landscape design will be part of a further planning application.


  1. ^ DVSA (