Police promise tough response after Derbyshire primary school repeatedly targeted by offenders

Officers have launched an investigation into a series of incidents at a Derbyshire primary school - and said the offences "will not be tolerated." Watch more of our videos on Shots! and live on Freeview channel 276

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The Hope Valley Safer Neighbourhood Team have received reports of regular trespass within the grounds of Hope Primary School's play area in the village of Hope. An SNT spokesperson said: "It is believed that a group of individuals have been trespassing on to school grounds, breaking and entering the play equipment sheds.

"This behaviour is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.

The sheds have damaged and equipment displaced in the process."

Hope Primary School has become a target for offenders.Hope Primary School has become a target for offenders.Hope Primary School has become a target for offenders.

If you have any information regarding these incidents, please contact PCSO Hancock by emailing [email protected][2].

Please note do not use this email address to report crime - use 999 in an emergency or 101 in non-emergency situations, or report online here[3].


  1. ^ Visit Shots! now (www.shotstv.com)
  2. ^ [email protected] (www.derbyshiretimes.co.uk)
  3. ^ here (www.derbyshire.police.uk)