Rawreth Lane branded ‘dangerous and high-speed’ by resident

Tina Hoy, of Rowan Close, Rayleigh, has been campaigning to make Rawreth Lane, Rayleigh, safer since 2020 and fears the combination of blind junctions, narrow pavements and speeding drivers is a recipe for disaster. Part of Rawreth Lane is 50mph, but it connects to a number of smaller residential roads and Tina wants to see the speed limit slashed and cameras installed. The resident claims she has repeatedly raised the issue with Essex County Council, citing a crash in 2019 when a cyclist died after an incident involving a lorry.

Tina said: "The pavements are far too narrow, I've almost had my head hit by a lorry going down there and I've walked down Rawreth Lane at 7pm and drivers have been speeding down it, its inconsiderate and they can't see you. "In recent times there have been three fairly major incidents that I know of, a cyclist was killed in 2019 and two other incidents could have been fatal, a car mounted the pavement and crashed into building works surrounding anew residential home and the traffic island was demolished." Tina believes average speed cameras should be installed, fearing that "one single speed camera" will not be effective.

She added: "They need cameras, what they really need is an average speed check camera, my point is that there is a new retirement home nearby and if they have people on scooters on the pavement, it could be really dangerous. "The pavement can be widened in places as there are green spaces off to the side, the hedgerow needs to be pruned, seed limits need to be permanently enforced as speeding is a real issue on this road." An Essex County Council spokesman said: "The best way for residents who are concerned about local safety issues on the roads to raise them is to contact their local Essex County Councillor.

They can then raise the matter for action as appropriate at the relevant Local Highway Panel."