Serial sex offender who preyed on teens died after catching Covid at North Wales prison
A serial sex offender who preyed on teens died after catching Covid in prison. Peter Warburton was jailed in 2005 for a string of sexual assaults on girls in North Wales and Norfolk. He had previously been jailed for raping and sexually assaulting a teenage prostitute in Manchester.
He was released from prison in 2017. But after breaching his licence conditions and committing further sexual offences, he was recalled to prison and taken to HMP Berwyn on 7 July 2020. On 18 February 2021, Warburton's cell mate reported symptoms of Covid-19.
Both men were moved to single cells in the protective isolation unit and he later tested positive for Covid. On February 25 he reported chest pains and was short of breath. A nurse and the healthcare support worker assessed him and found that his blood oxygen saturation levels were low.
They requested an emergency ambulance and gave him oxygen while waiting for the paramedics. Warburton was taken to hospital, escorted by two prison officers using an escort chain. At lunchtime, he was admitted to a ward and the restraints were removed.
He was moved to the intensive care unit on February 26. His condition worsened and on March 11 he was sedated and placed on a ventilator. On March 25, the hospital withdrew Mr Warburton's treatment and he died at 4.25pm, aged 64.
The cause of his death was COVID-19 pneumonia. He had underlying COPD and hypertension, which the coroner said did not cause but contributed to his death. Due to Mr Warburton's age and asthma, he was in a priority group to receive the COVID-19 vaccination but he was admitted to hospital before the prison received supplies.
His death was investigated by the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman. The clinical reviewer concluded that the clinical care Warburton received at Berwyn was equivalent to that he could have expected to receive in the community. However, he considered that clinical observations should have been taken when Warburton first reported his symptoms, to help identify any deterioration in hiscondition.
The report added: "We are concerned that staff seem not to have used a medical emergency code when Mr Warburton reported chest pains and breathing difficulties; and that there was no medical input to the security risk assessment authorising the use of restraints. "There were some anomalies in record keeping which could not be resolved due to the lapse of time. However, the prison should consider addressing this issue more broadly."
It has made a number of recommendations.
These include:
- The Head of Healthcare should ensure that healthcare staff complete and record clinical observations when prisoners report symptoms of COVID-19, to help identify any deterioration
- The Governor and Head of Healthcare should ensure that all prison staff are made aware of, and understand, their responsibilities during medical emergencies, including that staff promptly use a recognised emergency code to communicate the nature of the emergency.
- The Governor and Head of Healthcare should ensure that all staff undertaking risk assessments for prisoners taken to hospital understand the legal position on the use of restraints and that in all cases healthcare staff complete the medical information section of the escort risk assessment, accurately reflecting how the prisoner's current health and medical condition affects their risk of escape.
- The Governor should ensure that documents are securely stored and promptly provided to the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman following a death in custody.
- The Governor should remind staff of the need for accurate record keeping and consider whether the auditing process is sufficiently robust.