The Grinch crashes into New Hampshire music venue

Typical! The Grinch careened into a bad time in southern New Hampshire on Christmas Day. "What the??

Our brand new road sign was destroyed (again) yesterday on Christmas, along with our mailbox, walkway lights, honey stand, etc.," The Word Barn, an Exeter, N.H., music venue, posted on its Facebook page Tuesday. "We're amazed and so very glad no one was hurt, but imagine our surprise when we raced outside to assist and found ... the Grinch?! Can't make this stuff up." That's right.

The Grinch! Exeter Police responded to the site of the crash -- 66 Newfields Road -- at a little before 6 p.m. on Christmas to find not a shining sleigh and Santa but, instead, a very beat-up silver Honda CRV on the front lawn of the music venue and a fully costumed Grinch behind the wheel. The car had significant front-end damage, a smashed windshield and a broken rear driver's side window, according to the Exeter Police Department.

The vehicle had to be towed from the scene by the New England Truck Center. The cops say that the driver, local Exeter man Jon C. Williamson, 31, had been distracted while driving and veered off the roadway and into the mailbox, sign and several lights along the front path to The Word Barn.

"This was certainly a unique situation. Officers never expected to arrive at the scene to find that an operator was wearing a Grinch suit behind the wheel, but it was Christmas night so not entirely outside the realm of possibility. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt," Exeter Police Chief Stephan Poulin said.

While the incident was no Christmas miracle for the music venue, they still had some kind words for the Grinch.

"Sadly the driver had no insurance, so we're extra glad he is ok -- but we'll be without a sign and lights for a spell," the venue posted on its Facebook page. "Take it slow out there, stay safe and hug your loved ones."