A167 Darlington: Two hospitalised after crash blocked road

Emergency services converged on the A167 this morning which leads towards Coatham Mundeville as motorists travel towards the A1. Traffic was redirected back on to the A1 as an eyewitness described a "pile up" of lorries that were unable to turn around as an unmarked police car remained at the junction. The ambulance service has since confirmed that two people were taken to hospital with minor injuries.

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A spokesman for North East Ambulance Service said: "We were called at 10.38h today (14 JAN) to attend a road traffic collision between two vehicles at the junction of the A167 with the A1 near Coatham Mundeville. "We dispatched a rapid response paramedic and a paramedic crew, who treated two patients with minor injuries before taking them to hospital." The road has since cleared and traffic is running normally.

Durham Constabulary has been contacted for more information.


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