Car seized by police as checks showed driver was breaking the law

Police have seized a Volkswagen Golf in the Bradford district i(Image: West Yorkshire Police)/i

Police have seized a Volkswagen Golf in the Bradford district (Image: West Yorkshire Police) POLICE have seized a car in the Bradford[1] district as the driver was breaking the law. Officers from the Windhill and Wrose area sstopped a Volkswagen Golf while they were out on patrol.

A West Yorkshire[2] Police spokesperson said: “Checks conducted showed the driver was disqualified. “The car was seized and the driver reported for the offences of driving while disqualified and no insurance. “A file will be prepared for court.”

Driving while disqualified potentially carries a sentence of up to six months in prison for the most serious offending.

At the bottom of the scale, a court may impose a fine as well as a further period of disqualification.

Being convicted of driving while disqualified will result in a criminal record.


  1. ^ Bradford (
  2. ^ Yorkshire (