Cumbria Police teams up with Women’s Community Matters

The partnership saw Westmorland and Furness Safeguarding Team officers conducting daily drop-in sessions with WCM from the lead-up to Christmas until January 5. This measure allowed victims an opportunity to speak with experienced officers in a less intimidating environment, away from regular police settings. This also gave the victims access to expert advice and allowed them to report crimes.

Cumbria Police aids people subjected to domestic abuse each day, but it is highlighted in December due to a typical rise in incidents around Christmas. Sergeant Kerry-Anne Travis of Cumbria Constabulary, said: "Working with Women's Community Matters helps further build a positive relationship to benefit those suffering abuse. "Our officers become a familiar, friendly face to those who need our help.

"Working so closely with Women's Community Matters also allows us to improve our understanding of what they do and what services they provide. "This helps us when offering support to victims." Sgt Travis further appreciated the opportunity to engage in the partnership amidst the busy festive season, and also extended her thanks to Women's Community Matters for their involvement in the initiative.

She said: "At Cumbria Constabulary we always prioritise care for victims - and to be able to take part in this partnership at this busy time of year will only help those suffering. "We'd like to thank Women's Community Matters for working with us on this worthwhile initiative to reach out to those who need help." Sharon Edwards, Domestic Abuse Project Manager at Women's Community Matters, said: "We were really pleased to be able to work alongside the police to trial a new way of working over the festive period.

"It offered opportunity for women to meet and chat to officers from the police safeguarding team and to ask them questions. "We look forward to developing this way of working further in 2024." If you have been affected by domestic abuse, or you are concerned for someone who is, please reach the police by dialling 101 or call 999 during an emergency.

Victims can also access support services, regardless of if a police complaint has been lodged, by contacting Victim Support at 0808 1689 111, 24 hours a day.

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