Drivers moving flood signs in Leicestershire roads amid traffic delay frustration after Storm Henk

People have been ignoring and moving flood warning road signs as a number of routes remain closed after Storm Henk. Road closures were put in place across Leicester and the wider county where the carriageways have become too flooded to pass. But numerous warnings not to travel through floodwaters have been ignored with signs deliberately moved out of the way by risk takers.

It comes as Leicestershire faces the aftermath of Storm Henk[1], which led to a month of rainfall in the county within just a few days. Parts of the county are still partially under water with most flooding hotspots impassable. More than 40 roads are still closed, according to Leicestershire County Council[2], which has received more than 300 reports of flooding.

Leicestershire Police and Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS)[4] has continued to urge people to follow signs and travel advice under the severe conditions. On Wednesday, January 3, the police[5] were forced to share a number of messages on its social media channels, asking people not to move signs. One read: "CCTV has shown drivers are moving closure signs and cones.

Do not move the signs cones and do not attempt to drive through the flood water." Another said: "Please act responsibly at this time as emergency services are already busy." LFRS crews have attended more than 100 flooding incidents since Tuesday, January 2.

The fire service, which has attended more than 23 car-rescue incidents, has issued warnings to say floodwaters are often deeper than they look and should be avoided, Homes have had to be evacuated with residents being offered support at dedicated rest centres in the county and in Leicester. Meanwhile, there are ongoing efforts to clear flooded streets and help those whose properties have been badly affected.

A Leicestershire County Council spokesperson said: "Road closures are there for a reason.

If a road is closed due to flooding, do not travel through it or move the signs which are there to keep you safe."

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  1. ^ Leicestershire faces the aftermath of Storm Henk (
  2. ^ Leicestershire County Council (
  3. ^ Flooding in Leicester expected to subside but the county could continue to suffer the consequences (
  4. ^ Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS) (
  5. ^ the police (
  6. ^ Get the latest breaking news and top stories from Leicestershire in our daily newsletter (