Football fields trashed by off-road bike vandals

Kidsgrove Ladsandads is run by volunteers, and is responsible for more than 30 Sunday league football teams.

Mr Porter said the club was battling against a small minority of people, but called for police and politicians to work together to tackle the issue.

He said: “The police have known this has been going on for a long, long time. They need to act on it.

“Local politicians and local councillors need to get involved – that park now needs a fence around it.

“It’s bad enough 400 people and local teams weren’t able to play this Sunday, that’s really bad.

“But what could be worse is, these bikes are illegal, they could kill somebody.”

He asked: “When will something be done about it? When somebody is killed, or somebody is seriously injured?

It needs to be stopped.”

Staffordshire Police has been contacted for comment.