Troubled corner shop that used to sell ‘nitrous oxide and Viagra’ handed back licence

A Bristol corner shop which last year received a ban on selling booze has now won back its premises licence but with strict conditions. Last summer neighbours living next to the shop, previously open 24 hours a day, complained its customers would wake them up[1] every night. New Whitehall Stores, on 342 Whitehall Road in the St George area, faced allegations of illegally selling nitrous oxide and Viagra.

People living on Congleton Road also claimed the shop would often sell alcohol to drunk people, who would then drink outside their homes. The new licence, issued by Bristol City Council[2], says the shop can only sell alcohol and stay open until 11.30pm from Sunday to Thursday, and midnight on Friday and Saturday. Conditions include no nitrous oxide or related items to be kept or sold on the premises.

Other conditions are banning customers from serving themselves "alcoholic slush puppies", litter or waste from customers near the shop must be cleared away, and notices will be displayed reminding customers to leave the area quietly. The shop is thought to be under new management. A licensing hearing in June last year heard from local residents who complained of customers sometimes urinating, defecating and vomiting near the homes.

Avon and Somerset Police had concerns about the shop since back in 2021. Officers found thousands of pounds worth of nitrous oxide canisters during repeated inspections. Shops that sell alcohol, along with bars, restaurants and pubs, need to get a premises licence from the council to be able to do so.

This requires agreeing to follow certain conditions and the four licensing objectives: the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance, and the protection of children from harm.


  1. ^ wake them up (
  2. ^ Bristol City Council (
  3. ^ Bristol corner shop could face booze ban after police find laughing gas and Viagra (
  4. ^ Booze ban for Bristol corner shop with noisy customers waking up neighbours (