Police seize e-scooter after owner caught “riding dangerously” into oncoming traffic in Derbyshire town
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Visit Shots! now[1]On Monday, February 12, officers from the Shirebrook Safer Neighbourhood Team seized an e-scooter in the town.
An SNT spokesperson said: “We've seized this e-scooter tonight as the rider had no insurance, which is a legal requirement.
“The scooter was also seen riding dangerously in and out of traffic the wrong way on a one-way system at speed, riding in and out of the side of bungalows honking their horn and being a nuisance and danger to pedestrians and road users.

“For those of you who think we like to take scooters off children, this scooter clocked a maximum speed of 72km/h which it was more than likely doing whilst riding dangerously the wrong way on the one-way system in moving traffic.”
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