Drink driver arrested after crash on M56 motorway
A blue Ford Transit managed to end up in a ditch on the wrong side of the barrier after coming off the M56 eastbound between J9 and J7.
The driver tried to run off but was stopped and kept at the scene until police arrived.
Upon arrival, officers breathalysed the driver who blew 88 micrograms of alcohol per 100ml of breath.
The legal limit is 35.
The van ended up on the wrong side of the barrier (Image: NW Motorway Police)
The vehicle was seized and the driver taken into custody, where police say he "failed" to provide another breathalyser test.
A spokesperson for NW Motorway Police said: "This vehicle left the carriageway and the driver tried to run off from the vehicle along the hard shoulder.
"He was stopped and kept at the scene until police arrived.
"Male blew 88 at the scene and then failed to provide at custody, vehicle seized."