Reports from the courts: the latest cases from around Mansfield, Ashfield and Worksop

Quyvan Phung, 36, of Byron Avenue, Mansfield Woodhouse, admitted: driving without a licence or insurance, fail to provide specimen for analysis - vehicle driver, driver of a vehicle fail to stop after a road accident. He received a ten week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months, with ten rehabilitation days. He was disqualified for 36 months but a rehabilitation course will reduce the ban by 25 per cent. He was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £154 surcharge.
Matthew Cutts, 30, of Radford Street, Worksop, admitted: driving with 87 microgrammes of alcohol when the legal limit is 35 microgrammes. He was disqualified for 22 months but a rehabilitation course will reduce the ban by 25 per cent. He was fined £650 with a £260 surcharge and £85 costs.
Andrew Maxim, 37, of Hillsway Crescent, Mansfield, admitted: drive motor vehicle with a proportion of a specified controlled drug above the specified limit. He received a 12 month community order with 100 hours of unpaid work. He was disqualified for 18 months. He was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £114 surcharge.
Clare Richens, 38, of Muskham Court, Mansfield Woodhouse, admitted: breach a non-molestation order. She received a 12 week sentence, suspended for 12 months, with a 120-day alcohol abstinence and monitoring requirement.
Christopher Walmsley, 63, of Mill Bridge Close, Lound, Retford, admitted: driving with 80 microgrammes of alcohol when the legal limit is 35 microgrammes. He was disqualified for 20 months but a rehabilitation course will reduce the ban by 25 per cent. He was fined £250 with a £100 surcharge and £85 costs.
Margaret Allen, 56, of Stacey Road, Mansfield, admitted: driving with 59 microgrammes of alcohol when the legal limit is 35 microgrammes. She was disqualified for 14 months but a rehabilitation course will reduce the ban by 25 per cent. She was fined £120 with a £48 surcharge and £85 costs.
Peter Eaton, 34, of Barker Street, Huthwaite, Sutton, admitted: possess knife in a public place. He received a four month sentence, suspended for 12 months, with 12 rehabilitation days. He was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £154 surcharge.
Finnley O’Neil, 18, of Shireoaks Road, Shireoaks, Worksop, admitted: drive a motor vehicle dangerously and driving without insurance. He received a 24 week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months, with 80 hours of unpaid work. He was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £154 surcharge.
Bethany Burrows, 22, of Welbeck Square, Sutton, admitted: driving with 79 microgrammes of alcohol when the legal limit is 35 microgrammes. She was disqualified for 20 months but a rehabilitation course will reduce the ban by 25 per cent. She was fined £240 with a £96 surcharge and £85 costs.
Jonathan Wright, 37, of Jephson Road, Sutton, admitted: sending an offensive/indecent/menacing message. He received a 12 month community order with 60 hours. He was ordered to pay a £114 surcharge and £85 costs.
Charlie Drancis, 36, of Garside Street, Worksop, admitted: driving while disqualified, fail to stop, and fail to provide specimen for analysis - vehicle driver. He was jailed for 16 weeks and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £114 surcharge.
Ishrat Khan, 50, of Jarvis Avenue, Nottingham, admitted: obstruct/resist a constable in execution of duty. He was detained in the courthouse - detention deemed served by reason of time already spent in custody.
Patricia Shaw, 51, of Church Walk, Worksop, admitted: assault by beating of an emergency worker. She received a 12 month community order with a six-month alcohol treatment programme and 20 rehabilitation days. She was ordered to pay £150 compensation.
Andrew Baxter, 44, of Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield, admitted: driving with 57 microgrammes of alcohol when the legal limit is 35 microgrammes. He was disqualified for 12 months but a rehabilitation course will reduce the ban by 25 per cent. He was fined £450 with a £180 surcharge and £85 costs.
Michael Gamblin, 33, of Stella Street, Mansfield, admitted: driving with 88 microgrammes of alcohol when the legal limit is 35 microgrammes. He was disqualified for 22 months but a rehabilitation course will reduce the ban by 25 per cent. He was fined £400 with a £160 surcharge and £85 costs.
Adam Khalaf, 40, of Bolsover Street, Mansfield, admitted: fail to comply with a section 35 direction excluding a person from an area. He was fined £100 with £85 costs and a £40 surcharge.
Corrina Morgan, 28, of Farndon Way, Mansfield, admitted: owner/person in charge of a dog dangerously out of control - no injury. She was ordered to pay £1,177 compensation.
Mihai Cocos, 32, of St Michael’s Street, Sutton, admitted: driving without insurance and driving with 94 microgrammes of alcohol when the legal limit is 35 microgrammes. He was disqualified for 24 months but a rehabilitation course will reduce the ban by 25 per cent. He was fined £500 with a £200 surcharge and £85 costs.
Lance Musgrove, 34, of Stone Cross Court, Mansfield Woodhouse, admitted: possess a controlled drug of class B – mamba. He was fined £80 with £85 costs.
Lewis Jenkins, 21, of Greens Road, East Dene, Rotherham, admitted: fail to attend/remain for follow-up assessment following a test for presence of class a drug. He received a six-month conditional discharge and was ordered to pay £85 costs.
Dominic Jones, 37, of Stoke Lane, Gedling, Nottingham, admitted: driving without a licence and without insurance. He was fined £500, with a £200 surcharge and £85 costs. His licence was endorsed with six penalty points.
Jack Somerfield, 21, of Bramble Close, Boughton, admitted: driving without a licence or licence and drive motor vehicle with a proportion of a controlled drug above the specified limit. He was fined £120 with a £48 surcharge and £85 costs. He was disqualified for 12 months.
Karen Hubball, 58, of Lower Kirklington Road, Southwell, admitted: fail to provide specimen for analysis - vehicle driver. She was disqualified for 12 months but a rehabilitation course could reduce the ban by 25 per cent. She was fined £416 and ordered to pay a £166 surcharge and £85 costs.
Kyle Dean, 34, of Outram Street, Sutton, admitted: handle stolen goods. He received a 12-month conditional discharge and was ordered to pay £325 costs.
Jonjo Dykes, 28, of Rosemary Street, Mansfield, admitted: assault by beating. He was fined £200 and ordered to pay £50 compensation and £85 costs.
Ryan Corden, 25, of Egmanton Road, Meden Vale, Mansfield, admitted: possess ammunition for a firearm without a certificate and handle stolen goods. He was fined £399 and ordered to pay a £160 surcharge and £85 costs.
Shane Henson, 30, of Rosslyn Grove, Aspley, Nottingham, admitted: drive whilst disqualified and without insurance. He received a 12 month community order with five rehabilitation days and 100 hours of unpaid work. His driving record was endorsed with six penalty points. He was fined £120.
Lee Allsop, 52, of Brierly Road, Sutton, admitted: assault by beating and criminal damage. He received a 17 week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months., with a 12—day alcohol abstinence and monitoring programme and 31 rehabilitation days.
Sean Harris, 50, of Oakfield Lane, Warsop, Mansfield, admitted: fail to provide specimen - person in charge of vehicle. He was fined £1,430 and ordered to pay a £572 surcharge with £85 costs. His licence was endorsed with ten penalty points.
Jessica Pearce, 19, of Hollinwell Close, Kirkby, admitted: drunk and disorderly in a public place. She received a 12 month conditional discharge with £85 costs and a £26 surcharge.
Llie Razvanmirzac, 40, of Riviera Parade, Bentley, Doncaster, admitted: driving without a licence and with 41 microgrammes of alcohol when the legal limit is 35 microgrammes. He was disqualified for 12 months but a rehabilitation course could reduce the ban by 25 per cent. He was fined £300 with a £120 surcharge and £86 costs.
Daniel Mattimore, 42, of Banchory Close, Mansfield, admitted: driving without insurance or a licence and possess a controlled drug of class A - cocaine. He was fined £120 with £85 costs and a £48 surcharge. His driving record was endorsed with six points.
Matthew Walker, 23, of Blyth Road, Harworth, admitted: driving with 40 microgrammes of alcohol when the legal limit is 35 microgrammes. He was fined £438 with a £175 surcharge and £85 costs. He was disqualified for 36 months.
Brandon James, 21, of Shirland Drive, Mansfield, admitted: driving without a licence or insurance. He was fined £120 with £85 costs and a £48 surcharge. His driving record was endorsed with eight penalty points.
Joshua Dyer, 25, of Hawthorne Wood, Retford, admitted: drive motor vehicle with a proportion of a controlled drug above the specified limit. He received a 12-month community order with 60 hours of unpaid work. He was disqualified for 18 months. He must pay £85 costs and a £114 surcharge.
Nathan Simpson, 38, of Garside Street, Worksop, admitted: drive motor vehicle with a proportion of a controlled drug above the specified limit. He was fined £120, with £85 costs and a £48 surcharge. He was disqualified for 12 months.
Cameron Hussain, 30, of Rampton Hospital, Woodbeck, Nottinghamshire, admitted: assault by beating of an emergency worker, he was fined £120 with £250 compensation and a £48 surcharge.
Mark Roberts, 36, of Spittal Hill, Retford, admitted: possess knife in a public place. He received a two month sentence, suspended for 12 months, and was ordered to pay a £154 surcharge.
Bradley Wolstenholme, 25, of Greenwood Close, Worksop, admitted: driving without insurance and whilst disqualified. He received a 12-month community order with 40 hours of unpaid work. His licence was endorsed with six points and he was ordered to pay £85 costs.