Speed camera catches out BMW driver in Oxfordshire | thisisoxfordshire

Nicholas Drew, of Gloucester Place, Witney, was caught on July 20 last year exceeding the speed limit on the A40 northern bypass road in Oxford[1].

The 52-year-old was caught on a speed camera driving at 59mph in a BMW vehicle, exceeding the 50mph speed limit.

He was charged under the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 and appeared at High Wycombe Magistrates’ Court on March 7 this year where he pleaded guilty to speeding.

On the same day, he was fined £66 and had three penalty points added to his driving record.

There were no orders for court costs as no application was made but there was a victim surcharge of £34.


  1. ^ Oxford (www.thisisoxfordshire.co.uk)
  2. ^ Man, 68, on trial accused of sexually assaulting two children (www.oxfordmail.co.uk)