Heroic off-duty police duo awarded for life-saving effort in fatal A130 crash

TWO off-duty police officers who attempted to save a critically injured motorcyclist after a horror crash on the A130 have won a bravery award.

Amid rush hour traffic, Insp Kayleigh Heffron and Insp Dan Selby leapt into action and displayed “exceptional courage” after spotting the biker “caught underneath a lorry and hanging on by his helmet”.

While driving to police headquarters in her private car, Insp Heffron arrived at the shocking scene and despite having no emergency equipment, she pushed her way through to the man, helped by alarmed onlookers.

After starting CPR, she was joined by Insp Selby, who had noticed the accident during his drive home from the night shift.

Despite their best efforts, the motorcyclist sadly passed away.

Insp Heffron said: “You had three lanes and we were in the outside lane, which is the fastest lane, and we still had traffic moving around, which absolutely amazed me, bearing in mind that everyone passing would have been able to have seen what had happened.”

Despite the dangerous conditions, debris, spilt fuel, and moving traffic, both officers continued their rescue efforts.

They worked for about ten minutes before paramedics finally reached them, delayed due to the gridlocked traffic.

Insp Selby said: “My main role with Kayleigh was CPR really, until the ambulance arrived.

“Unfortunately he didn’t survive.”

Upon learning about their award, Insp Heffron said: “You don’t do what you do to get an award or get any recognition or to be highlighted, you do it because that’s what you joined up to do.

“I know that sounds really clichéd and cheesy butwhen I joined this job it was to help people.

“To be nominated for the award, it is lovely.”

The heroic officers will receive the award at the Essex Police Federation Bravery Awards tomorrow.

An overall winner will be chosen to attend the National Police Federation Bravery Awards in London in July.

Essex Police Federation Chair Laura Heggie said: “We are very proud of the efforts of these colleagues.

“This incident is a further reminder of how Essex Police officers of all ranks are never off duty.”