Drivers swerve to avoid boy after he falls from toilet of moving coach

Panicked drivers on Ireland[1]‘s busiest road were forced to swerve to avoid a young boy who fell out of a coach while going to the toilet.

The young schoolboy, 12, was walking to the toilet when he stumbled and fell out of the coach’s emergency door. The vehicle was travelling down the M50 – Dublin’s orbital thoroughfare – at the time, and cars made breakneck turns after the youngster spilled out of the coach’s rear.

Realising he had tumbled from the bus, teachers made the driver race back to the scene. Thankfully, the 12-year-old miraculously survived the accident, escaping with a few cuts and scrapes after he was moved from the middle of the road to the hard shoulder and over the railing.

Gardai officer on road
Gardai are investigating the incident after the boy escaped with minimal injuries (
Getty Images)

He suffered no serious injuries after a trucker who came upon the situation stopped and stationed part of his lorry across the traffic artery. Dublin Live[2] reported that the driver was able to shield the emergency operation to rescue the boy, who experienced some shock from the distressing fall last Wednesday.

Gardai have said they are now investigating the early morning incident, which happened unbeknownst to the coach driver. The boy was among children on a school trip from the Irish midlands, with witnesses shocked he had managed to escape the situation with minimal injuries.

One said: “He wasn’t just lucky, it’s a miracle that he was not hit by traffic on that road.” The witness added that they thought they had seen the boy being hit by a car before they learned he had fallen from the bus.

They continued: “I thought that’s what had happened at first, I thought the boy had been hit by a car but then I was told he fell off the bus. The young chap was in shock and I could see he had loads of cuts on his chin and knees but I don’t think he had any real serious injuries.

“He was being treated by two first responders until the ambulance came. The bus driver who isn’t from this country obviously didn’t realise what happened and drove on about 500 yards before he stopped.” The boy was taken to Tallaght hospital in Dublin.


  1. ^ Ireland (
  2. ^ Dublin Live (