Timeline as female assassin ate Deliveroo order at Rotunda night before failed Birmingham hitjob

From America to Acocks Green a female assassin spent 19 days in the UK where she bungled a hitjob in Birmingham[1]. The whereabouts of Aimee Betro remain unknown after she fled the country two days after she tried – but failed – to shoot a man in the street in September 2019.

A trial at the city’s crown court laid bare the activities and movements of the 44-year-old from Chicago, Illinois. Throughout the near three-week period she had been in regular phone contact with Mohammed Nazir, 30, who was convicted of conspiracy to murder in relation to the plot along with his father Mohammed Aslam, 56.

Betro was also involved in Nazir’s separate plan to set up his friend and frame him for gun smuggling. The failed assassination attempt took place in Measham Grove, Acocks Green[2] around 7.30pm on September 7, 2019, when she pointed a gun at Sikander Ali’s head only for it to jam when she pulled the trigger.

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Although Birmingham Crown Court[5] was told her actual target was likely the man’s father Aslat Mahumad. Here we have plotted a timeline of what she did and where she went in the UK, based on the evidence in the case.

August 21, 2019 – Betro, from Chicago, in Illinois, flew from the United States and arrived at Manchester the following day where she stayed at the Marriott Hotel for two nights, booking in her own name. Afterwards she spent the night of August 24 at a hotel near the Tower of London under a booking made for David Smith. She simply left without checking out.

August 26, 2019 – On the morning she rented a Mercedes hire car from Birmingham Airport[6] and then later checked into a Holiday Inn in Derby. The booking was initially for one night before being extended to two.

The investigation showed she was in telephone contact with Nazir that day. Whilst in Derby Betro called the AA to say her car had been involved in an accident and damaged. When police attended the scene of the suspected collision they saw a recovery truck was in the process of picking up the Mercedes.

They contacted Betro and tried to make arrangements to meet her but the incident was not investigated. Insurers did however look into it. Betro had claimed she had lost control and hit two stationary cars. One of them, a Lexus, was registered to Mohammed Aslam.

Prosecutor Kevin Hegarty KC described the connection as ‘extraordinary’ and said: “Was it all a setup? Were they known to each other? Were these people in cahoots long before the night of September 7?”

The Raisson Blu in Birmingham city centre
The Raisson Blu in Birmingham city centre

August 28 to September 5 – Eurocar delivered a red Volvo V40 to Mr Aslam which later proved significant in the police’s investigation. Meanwhile Betro moved around the country including staying at a Jury’s Inn in Brighton, spending three nights in Chelsea, lodging at the Radisson Blu in Birmingham, then a Pentahotel in Derby before returning to Birmingham to Staying Cool at the Rotunda for the first of three nights.

September 6 – Betro went to a Tesco[7] in Yardley[8] where she bought an Alcatel phone, SIM card and £10 worth of credit. She used the phone to contact Mr Mahumad purporting to be interested in buying a Volkswagen Golf from him.

He was puzzled how she got his number because he had not included it on the car advert on Shpock. Betro said if he could show her the car she would buy it. Around 8pm CCTV at the Rotunda captured her come out of the hotel and return five minutes later with Nazir.

They went up to the 17th floor together. Around 9pm Betro emerged in the reception area to collect a Deliveroo order. Nazir left the hotel holding a bag at 10.22pm.

Father and son Mohammed Aslam, 56 and Mohammed Nazir, 30, both from Derby
Father and son Mohammed Aslam, 56 and Mohammed Nazir, 30, both from Derby

September 7 – At 6.43pm the Volvo, believed to contain Aslam and Nazir, was captured driving along the A45 Coventry Road. Four seconds behind it was the Mercedes which Betro would drive to the scene of the shooting.

She had purchased it from a car dealer in Alum Rock that afternoon after negotiating a discount on the vehicle. Betro used the name ‘Becky Booth’ and provided a fake address in Solihull[9].

She had made further contact with Mr Mahumad about the Golf but he told her he would send her a friend’s number and she could see the vehicle the next day. At some point that day Betro had also gone into a Tesco in Birmingham city centre[10] and bought another Alcatel phone with £10 phone credit.

Measham Grove in Acocks Green
Measham Grove in Acocks Green

At around 7.30pm Betro drove her Mercedes into Measham Grove, Acocks Green, which is a small residential road. She turned the car around so it was facing towards the exit and waited.

Before long Mr Ali arrived in an Audi Q5. As he got out of the vehicle he saw a woman wearing a Hijab get out of the Mercedes and point a gun at him. He quickly got back in his car and drove away, colliding with the Mercedes during his escape.

Betro got back in her vehicle and also left the scene but she was forced to abandon the Mercedes at nearby Bosworth Road. There was then an ‘abundance’ of telephone contact between her and Nazir.

Just before 9pm she called a taxi which picked her up at the junction of Austin Close and Cambridge Way. It took her to Moor Street in Birmingham. At some stage that evening, after the attempted shooting, Betro text Mr Mahumad saying ‘Where are you hiding?’ and ‘Stop playing hide and seek you are lucky it jammed’.

She told him to choose between himself or his family and demanded Mr Mahumad meet her at an Asda[11] car park, which never materialised.

Measham Grove in Acocks Green
Measham Grove in Acocks Green

September 8 – In the early hours Betro called a taxi using the name ‘Becky’ and asked to be picked up at Bedders fish and chip shop on Coventry Road. She was collected at 1.05am and was taken to Gilberstone Avenue in Acocks Green. Betro got out and asked the driver to wait as she walked down Measham Grove.

She stopped in front of Mr Mahumad’s address, which was empty, and shot three bullets which broke a window and caused local dogs to bark. The assassin then got back in the taxi and asked to be taken to McDonald’s[12] in Bordesley Green[13].

She text Mr Mahumad again saying: “Go look at your house. I will be shedding blood soon. You want to rip me off and want to be a drugs kingpin go look at your house I will show you about road. Watch your back I will be shedding blood soon.”

Mr Mahumad replied that he was a family man who had never ‘sold drugs in my life’. Betro went back and forth between the ibis hotel at Bordesley Park Road and the Rotunda. Later that day she travelled to Manchester and stayed at the Radisson Blu.

The Rotunda in Birmingham
The Rotunda in Birmingham

September 9 – Betro contacted Virgin Airlines and tried to change her booking so Nazir could fly with her but the operator could not accommodate the request. She ultimately flew out to New York that day and then on to Chicago.

Before leaving she had made a booking for Nazir to stay at the Radisson in Manchester on September 12. He would ultimately fly out to America himself the following day.

October 16 – Betro used US postal services in Illinois to post three parcels of gun components to the UK. They were addressed to a friend of Nazir who he had cultivated cannabis with before they fell out.

Nazir tried to set him up by making anonymous calls to the authorities about the incoming firearms packages, which were subsequently intercepted.

Background – It was suggested Nazir and Aslam had ‘history’ with Mr Mahumad’s family including an incident in June 2018 when the latter’s boutique shop in Alum Rock Road was trashed. Police attended to find Nazir topless and bloodied at the premises. Following the incident Nazir’s and Aslam’s address in Elms Avenue, Derby was attacked and damaged with weapons.

An alternative suggestion from the defence was that the attempted assassination in Acocks Green was drugs-related and that the address in Measham Grove was used to grow cannabis.

Nazir was found guilty of conspiracy to murder, possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence, perverting the course of justice and fraudulent evasion of a prohibition. Aslam was found guilty of the murder conspiracy but cleared of the firearms offence. Sentencing was listed to take place on August 9.


  1. ^ Birmingham (www.birminghammail.co.uk)
  2. ^ Acocks Green (www.birminghammail.co.uk)
  3. ^ Father and son guilty over bungled Birmingham hitjob by Hijab-wearing female assassin (www.birminghammail.co.uk)
  4. ^ here (chat.whatsapp.com)
  5. ^ Birmingham Crown Court (www.birminghammail.co.uk)
  6. ^ Birmingham Airport (www.birminghammail.co.uk)
  7. ^ Tesco (www.birminghammail.co.uk)
  8. ^ Yardley (www.birminghammail.co.uk)
  9. ^ Solihull (www.birminghammail.co.uk)
  10. ^ Birmingham city centre (www.birminghammail.co.uk)
  11. ^ Asda (www.birminghammail.co.uk)
  12. ^ McDonald’s (www.birminghammail.co.uk)
  13. ^ Bordesley Green (www.birminghammail.co.uk)