Huddersfield speeding hotspot as more than 2000 drivers caught out

More than 2,000 drivers have found themselves on the wrong side of the law after driving too fast on a main road in Huddersfield.[1]

Almost 900 drivers were caught speeding by a speed camera van on the A640 New Hey Road, Huddersfield, between January 1 this year and June 14. And just under 1,500 more drivers were caught speeding by a speed camera van on the same road between July 1 last year and October.

The speeding total was revealed by West Yorkshire Police[2] following two separate Freedom of Information Act requests. The location of the speed van was not disclosed but in the past it has been spotted parked up in Salendine Nook[3] where there is a high school and a sixth form college.

Last year’s request included a question to the Force about how much cash had been generated by the camera van. In response, West Yorkshire Police said the money from fines goes to HM Treasury – the government’s finance ministry that controls public spending.

The Force said: “West Yorkshire Police do not collect any revenue from fines. Money from fines is collected by HM Courts and Tribunal Service (HMCTS) and all money from fines goes to the Treasury.

“Regarding the ‘revenue generated’ for speed camera offences, eligible drivers are offered a speed awareness course as an alternative to a conditional offer (fine and 3 points) or the option of going to court.

“Drivers who accept this course option pay the course fee which covers the cost of the course delivery and the cost of administration associated with camera operations undertaken by West Yorkshire Casualty Prevention Partnership. Any operating surplus is reinvested in road safety activity by the West Yorkshire Casualty Prevention Partnership.

“West Yorkshire Police receives no additional proceeds from course referrals beyond cost recovery undertaken in accordance with the national cost recovery arrangements.”

New Hey Road is a long stretch of road that passes through Marsh, Lindley, Salendine Nook, Outlane and then up towards and past Scammonden. Residential sections of the road have 30mph or 40mph limits, although it does eventually become a 60mph limit road (for cars) once drivers leave the top end of Outlane village.

Some Outlane residents have called for a more ‘permanent’ solution to speeding drivers.

Last year, in response to the Freedom of Information disclosure about 1,500 speeders being caught, one resident wrote: “Surely some kind of permanent traffic management needs to be implemented to control speed, rather than just a money making camera van.”

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  1. ^ Huddersfield. (
  2. ^ West Yorkshire Police (
  3. ^ Salendine Nook (
  4. ^ The bizarre tip-off that led to macabre discovery beside Yorkshire road (
  5. ^ signing up to our daily newsletter here. (