NC500 biker accident ‘likely caused by dumped motorhome grey water’ left him ‘in pain everyday’

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Gregg Brain, after the accident. Picture courtesy of Gregg Brain.

Gregg Brain, after the accident. Picture courtesy of Gregg Brain.

Gregg Brain, after the accident. Picture courtesy of Gregg Brain.

An NC500 motorcyclist suffered 18 fractures and has been left “in pain every day” due to a road accident he believes was caused by dumped grey water waste.

He is now calling on irresponsible motorhome owners to dispose of their waste properly — an issue which has been talking point around the honeypot route for years.

Gregg Brain from Dingwall was riding his Harley motorbike on the A890 near the Strathcarron Hotel. Dashcam footage from the vehicle behind Gregg shows him riding at around 40mph on a gentle curve in good weather, when his front wheel suddenly slides from underneath him.

“I was thrown onto the road with the energy equivalent to falling about 65 feet” said Gregg, who works as an accident investigator. “The ambulance driver went back to the site of the accident, and reported that there was something slippery on the road when he scuffed his boot over the surface — but without the smell of diesel or fuel.

“Given the extremely heavy rain which had occurred earlier that day, the investigations findings indicated that the ‘most likely’ proximal cause of the accident was recently dumped/spilled grey water.”

CT scan of Gregg's lower leg after the accident. Picture courtesy of Gregg Brain.

CT scan of Gregg's lower leg after the accident. Picture courtesy of Gregg Brain.

CT scan of Gregg’s lower leg after the accident. Picture courtesy of Gregg Brain.

Gregg says that despite wearing top-of-the-range protective gear, and police confirming that his bike’s front tyre, suspension and brakes were all in excellent repair, he was still left with around 18 fractures.

He continued: “I’ve had to learn to walk again. I can’t walk 50 yards without a stick. I’ll probably never run again, and my dominant left hand likely has permanent nerve damage.

• Corrieshalloch Visitor Centre reminds tourists of their motorhome waste disposal facilities[2]

• Biker gets trip cut short after motorhome incident on Wester Ross single-track road[3]

• Caravan parks up in arms about ‘unsafe’ motorhome parking scheme warned to be ‘potentially illegal’[4]

“I have plates, pins and more than two dozen screws holding my left arm and right leg together. My right arm was also broken, but didn’t need any hardware.

X-ray of Gregg's wrist after the accident. Picture courtesy of Gregg Brain.

X-ray of Gregg's wrist after the accident. Picture courtesy of Gregg Brain.

X-ray of Gregg’s wrist after the accident. Picture courtesy of Gregg Brain.

“Do I absolutely know it was grey water? Of course not. But could grey water dumper by a motorhome do this? We all obviously know the answer is yes.

“When I chose motorcycling, I know I chose to accept an elevated level of inherent risk. I most definitely did not choose to allow others to recklessly increase those risks, without regard for me.”

Gregg Brain, after the accident. Picture courtesy of Gregg Brain.

Gregg Brain, after the accident. Picture courtesy of Gregg Brain.

Gregg Brain, after the accident. Picture courtesy of Gregg Brain.

He shared details of the incident in August last year this week to raise the profile of the issue of grey water disposal.

“Dumping soapy water anywhere near a road has consequences. I’m lucky — the 700lb bike didn’t tumble on top of me, and I didn’t hit an oncoming car or fall into a stone dyke. I’m in pain everyday — but I’m alive to whinge about it.

“The next person might not be as lucky as I am.”

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  1. ^ Click here to sign up to our free newsletters! (
  2. ^ • Corrieshalloch Visitor Centre reminds tourists of their motorhome waste disposal facilities (
  3. ^ • Biker gets trip cut short after motorhome incident on Wester Ross single-track road (
  4. ^ • Caravan parks up in arms about ‘unsafe’ motorhome parking scheme warned to be ‘potentially illegal’ (
  5. ^ here (