‘She is a gift from them’: Mum of two children killed in crash blessed with daughter
A MOTHER whose children were killed by drunk driver in M4 motorway crash says her newest daughter Summer is a 'gift from them.'
Rhiannon Lucas has a 17-month-old baby who she named Summer Gracie, after her daughter, four-year-old Gracie Ann, who died in a M4 crash that also killed her three-year-old son Jayden Lee.
They both died in intensive care at the Heath hospital in Cardiff. (Image: Rhiannon Lucas)
“If the chance was not taken away from them to grow up together, the three of them would have been terrors!” said Rhiannon Lucas as she remembers how cheeky Gracie Ann and Jayden Lee were, during their short lives together.
“I see so much of them both in Summer Gracie. Summer will eat anything she is not fussy, just like Gracie used to be.”
"Summer Gracie is a gift sent to me from them," said Rhiannon. (Image: Rhiannon Lucas)
“Jayden on the other hand, he was definitely the fussy one.”
On February 5, 2022, Martin Newman ploughed his Ford Transit van into Rhiannon’s car that was pulled over on the hard shoulder of the M4 motorway.
“The kids needed a wee on the way home from a birthday party so we had stopped so their father could sort them both out,” Ms Lucas said.
Martin Newman was jailed for nine years, guilty of driving after consuming over ten cans of Strongbow and some vodka, as well as sniffing cocaine.
“Gracie Ann and Jayden Lee were so close - it was like they were connected to each other.
“If they ran away in different directions in a big shop, they would always find their way back together,” Ms Lucas remembers.
Inspector Leighton Healan worked as the family liaison officer on this case, and said he watched the Lucas family’s ‘enthusiasm for life drain out of them.’
“I have witnessed how traumatic the devastation of drunk / drug driving offences can be. You do not want it to be you who causes that pain,” he said.
Gwent Police have arrested 745 people for drink and drug driving offences since January this year.
15 people have been killed by drink/ drug drivers in Gwent since January last year.
“One pint is not even okay if you are planning on getting behind the wheel, as far as Gwent Police are concerned,” said a spokesperson for Gwent Police.
“We simply will not tolerate it; we will arrest you."
Gwent Police urge that all members of the public have a responsibility to report drunk or drug driving.
“If you see someone who you know has been drinking, or taking drugs, get behind a wheel and drive, you have got to call 999 immediately.”