Drivers face ‘lower’ new UK motorway speed limit with ‘more enforcement cameras’

A major motorway now has lower speed limits and new enforcement cameras - after reopening following a two-year closure[1]. National Highways has been carrying out important upgrades on the M621 in Leeds since 2022, it has said.

National Highways Project Manager Christopher Ward said:[2] “For two years we have been working with our partners and communities to make journeys in and through Leeds safer and reduce congestion on this route, and we’re delighted that the M621 works are now almost complete. We expect the remaining works to be completed and ready for operation by Leeds City Council in the next few weeks."

Taffic management measures have been in place since work began in summer 2022 - but National Highways will be lifting all lane restrictions and temporary speed limits on the M621 from today. Mr Ward said: “Drivers, residents and businesses in Leeds have been very patient and we’re grateful to them for their support.

READ MORE Drivers refunded after being 'wrongly charged' due to camera position[3]

"We believe these improvements will not only be good news for drivers but also the local and regional economy as we’ve improved the way people and businesses access Leeds city centre and the surrounding area.”

Once the entire scheme is finished, the M621 will be more reliable with less congestion, the risk of slow-speed collisions will have decreased, making it a safer part of the road network and motorists are more informed, due to new technology.

It will be easier to move around the city, with increased efficiency and there will be new infrastructure in place that supports the plans for growing the city. Christopher continued: “Whilst the M621 main carriageway works are complete, our contractors will remain on site until the new year to undertake minor remedial works and include working on the surrounding Leeds City Council road network.

"Motorists will also be aware of other schemes in the area, including a central barrier upgrade on the M1 between junctions 43 and 47 and Leeds City Council's improvements to Armley Gyratory. We continue to work with our partners to finish our works as soon as we can, providing a safer and smoother route for West Yorkshire.”