Police officer taken to hospital after lorry crashes into car on M11

A man has been arrested after a crash between a lorry and a police car caused serious damage to the vehicle. The crash left a police officer in hospital with minor injuries. The incident took place at about 11.20pm on Tuesday night (February 18) on the hard shoulder of the M11[1] southbound, just over the border in Essex[2].

Cambridgeshire Police[3] had stopped an lorry, which was unconnected, when a second lorry crashed into the police car. A 38-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving. He was taken to hospital suffering from minor injuries.

The police car ended up with multiple caved-in windows, a bent door and a crumpled rear panel. To get more breaking news and top stories delivered directly to your phone, join our new WhatsApp community. Click this link to receive your daily dose of CambridgeshireLive content.[4] We also treat our community members to special offers, promotions, and adverts from us and our partners.

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  1. ^ M11 (www.cambridge-news.co.uk)
  2. ^ Essex (www.cambridge-news.co.uk)
  3. ^ Cambridgeshire Police (www.cambridge-news.co.uk)
  4. ^ Click this link (chat.whatsapp.com)
  5. ^ Privacy Notice (www.reachplc.com)