This mistake could see you fined even if you’re driving under 20mph
Drivers unaware of little-known rules could end up being hit with a fine of GBP1,000, even if they're not breaking the speed limit. One simple mistake could cost drivers dearly if they're not careful. All along roads in the UK speed cameras keep tabs to make sure motorists are not exceeding the limits put in place.
Limits vary from 20mph on some roads, all the way up to 70mph on motorways. There are lots of different kinds of speed camera which monitor the roads. These might be fixed in place on a bridge or gantry, and might take one speed check or monitor an average speed, the Mirror reports[1].
READ MORE: Driver looking for 'cheap bargain' pulled over on the M62[2] ADVERTISEMENT READ MORE: Cause of death emerges after 'fit and healthy' pregnant teen and baby die[3]
Some however are not fixed in one place, but mounted in a police van. These sometimes park by the roadside to monitor traffic coming past. Many drivers will become familiar with where the speed cameras are in areas they frequently drive through.
Failing that, many maps such as Google and Apple maps even warn drivers that there's a speed camera coming up. This allows drivers who are breaking the law to slow down before they go past the camera. Speeding can result in a minimum fine of GBP100 as well as three points on your driving licence, and drivers can also attend a speed awareness course.
But this knowledge or technological warning doesn't apply in the case of a mobile speed camera. These can pop by the roadside unexpectedly, in a place where motorists would not know they were there or be warned. ADVERTISEMENT
This has meant that some drivers might try to warn motorists behind them or coming the other way that there's a mobile speed camera coming up. They might do this by flashing their headlights as a heads up so drivers can avoid a penalty. The act might be well-intentioned towards other motorists, but could land the driver in question in hot water if they get caught.
That's because using your headlights like this is actually not allowed under the Highway Code, and carries a whole different punishment. Not only that, but the punishment for misusing your headlights like this could end up being more than if you were caught speeding. The maximum penalty for it is a fine of up to GBP1,000.
As per the UK government website, rule 110 of the Highway Code states: "Only flash your headlights to let other road users know that you are there. Do not flash your headlights to convey any other message or intimidate other road users." Flashing your lights inappropriately is also an offence under section 89 of the Police Act 1997.
Under this legislation it's an offence for a member of the public to wilfully obstruct a police constable in the execution of their duty, for example by warning someone about a mobile speed camera.
This carries a maximum penalty of GBP1,000.
So that means even if you're driving under the speed limit you could end up being fined if you're caught using your headlights to warn other drivers
- ^ reports (
- ^ Driver looking for 'cheap bargain' pulled over on the M62 (
- ^ Cause of death emerges after 'fit and healthy' pregnant teen and baby die (