A256 shut in both directions between Ramsgate and Sandwich after lorry overturns

A busy route has been shut in both directions after a lorry overturned. The crash happened on the A256 Ramsgate Road, near Richborough, Sandwich.

The A256 is closed in both directions between Ramsgate and Sandwich after a lorry overturned. Picture: Google

The A256 is closed in both directions between Ramsgate and Sandwich after a lorry overturned./ppPicture: Google

The A256 is closed in both directions between Ramsgate and Sandwich after a lorry overturned. Picture: Google

A fuel spill and debris from the collision are also blocking the route. Emergency services including police and ambulance crews are at the scene.

The driver of the lorry was treated by paramedics on site and then discharged from their care. Traffic information site Inix reports queuing traffic in the area. It also says larger vehicles will be forced to take a 26-mile diversion via Canterbury on the Ash Bypass.

Stagecoach has warned customers that all services in the Sandwich area may be disrupted.

More on this as we have it.