Live: Lorry fire chaos between Exeter and Newton Abbot
Reports suggested a lorry fire was partially blocking the A380 this morning. The incident was reported just after 7.50am. Traffic monitoring service Inrix said: "A380 northbound partially blocked, slow traffic due to lorry fire at B3192 (Ashcombe/Teignmouth turn-off)."
Queues were stretching for about two-and-a-half miles as of 8.15am. Police later confirmed the suspected lorry fire was in fact a broken down van. Further down the A380 on the Torbay Link road there has also been a crash.
Shortly after 7.40am, Inrix, reported: "A380 Hamelin Way northbound partially blocked, queuing traffic due to accident at Marldon Road (Gallows Gate roundabout)."
Traffic maps show long traffic queues along Hellevoetsluis Way, between Preston Down roundabout and Gallows Gate roundabout, following the crash near Marldon Road.