Police use undercover lorries to spot lawbreakers on the M5

POLICE have used undercover lorries to catch lawbreaking drivers on the M5. West Mercia Police have teamed up with National Highways by driving an unmarked HGV to film illegal behaviour. The HGV offers them a clear view of the road, including insight into large vehicles, and allows them to see if drivers are not wearing seatbelts or using mobile phones.

Over the past week, West Mercia Police[1] have stopped 88 vehicles, eight of which were seized and one driver who was arrested for being under the influence of drugs. RECOMMENDED READING: Suspected Worcester drug dealers in playing fields run from police[2]

ADVERTISEMENT Drug dealers in Worcestershire: gang 'dismantled' by police[3] Police helicopter circles around Diglis as part of operation[4]

Around 38 vehicles were stopped for seatbelt offences, 18 stopped for mobile phone offences, four no MOTs and two disqualified drivers were amongst the offences detected. A spokesperson for West Mercia Police said: "This week, our officers have teamed up with National Highways to deliver Operation Tramline, a joint operation aimed at changing driver behaviour on the motorways. "Operation Tramline involves roads policing officers driving an unmarked HGV cab to give them a clear view of all road users, including drivers of large vehicles.

"The operation has been in place to crack down on offenders who continue to break the law and to help decrease the number of people killed or seriously injured.

"Enforcement is a 24/7 operation for our officers and we continue to do all we can to enforce the law and deal with those motorists who think it's acceptable to break the law."


  1. ^ West Mercia Police (www.worcesternews.co.uk)
  2. ^ Suspected Worcester drug dealers in playing fields run from police (www.worcesternews.co.uk)
  3. ^ Drug dealers in Worcestershire: gang 'dismantled' by police (www.worcesternews.co.uk)
  4. ^ Police helicopter circles around Diglis as part of operation (www.worcesternews.co.uk)