Aggressive man ‘hurled waste’ during row at Bradley Stoke recycling centre

A man who threw waste into the road at Bradley Stoke recycling centre and grew aggressive with staff members has been given an 18-month community order. Brett Maloney, of Orchard Gate in Bradley Stoke, was prosecuted by South Gloucestershire[1] Council and Avon and Somerset Police after throwing his waste into the road outside the entrance, stopping other vehicles from entering or leaving the recycling centre. Maloney, 54, parked his tipper truck outside the Little Stoke Sort It recycling centre entrance since it could not pass under the height barrier, Bristol Magistrates’ Court was told.

The centre, which is for domestic waste only has a 6ft high barrier to prevent trucks bringing commercial waste on site. There is also a strict policy against members of the public parking outside and carrying waste into the site, due to health and safety concerns, which is clearly stated on signs outside the recycling centre, South Gloucestershire Council[2] said. Maloney, unable to park the truck inside, walked his waste from the vehicle inside the site, the hearing heard.

The council said three different staff members informed him of the restrictions, but he ignored them and proceeded to continue depositing waste onside. Maloney became physically aggressive when staff members began putting the waste back on his truck and began hurling waste from the rear of his truck onto the road, stopping any vehicles from coming onto or leaving the site. He left after completely emptying the rear of the truck.

Following the incident, Maloney was tracked down and informed his actions had been caught on CCTV footage. He was cautioned and declined to comment. Maloney pleaded guilty to a charge of fly-tipping brought by the council and five charges presented by the police – a public order offence, criminal damage and common assault, along with two unrelated assaults.

For the combined offences, Maloney was handed a Community Order for 18 months, with 140 hours unpaid work and 14 hours of rehabilitation activity. He was also ordered to pay costs to the council and Crown Prosecution Service totalling GBP2,633. Councillor Leigh Ingham, cabinet member responsible for environmental enforcement at South Gloucestershire Council, said: “This was a shocking case, showing complete disregard for the recycling centre’s rules and totally unacceptable aggression towards staff members just trying to do their jobs.

“This man’s actions were unsafe, intimidating, and prevented other visitors from accessing and leaving the site as well.

I’m very pleased to see this sentence handed to him and hope it deters others from acting this way.”


  1. ^ South Gloucestershire (
  2. ^ South Gloucestershire Council (